Saturday, June 11, 2022

T.J. HOOKER - "Vengeance Is Mine" (1983)

I'm not the biggest fan in the world of "Star Trek," but I am a big fan of the work of both William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy, so when Lord Litter me told there was an episode of "T.J. Hooker" that had Leonard Nimoy as guest star, I just had to check it out, and that's why this week's Saturday Night Special is Season Two, Episode sixteen of "T.J. Hooker" titled "Vengeance is Mine."
Leonard Nimoy is Lt. Paul McGuire, and one of the first lines out of his mouth is "After working with Hooker all these years...."

They are in pursuit of these idiot robbers who decide to take a shortcut through this store!

Cut to the credits and aerobics instructor Valerie McGuire as played by Michele (Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.) Tobin.
Valerie rebukes the advances of creepy sweaty attorney Larry Foster as played by Randy (Logan's Run) Powell.

As fate would have it, besides being an attorney, Larry Foster is also a part-time serial rapist!

The real problem rears it's ugly little head when it's discovered the victim is also Lt. Paul McGuire's daughter. Now it's personal!

After Foster is arrested, put in a lineup and identified by his voice, he still pulls some legal mumbo jumbo and wriggles his way out of it like the slimy worm that he is.

It doesn't take long before he's back up to his old tricks again!

Hooker finally gets his hands on the dirty rat after a long chase.

Only to find out that the whole case is botched when he realizes Lt. Paul McGuire has planted evidence on Foster!

His daughter was raped and he's mad, but the way he went about doing anything about it just wasn't right either!
Then it gets worse............
Oh, man, this isn't how this reunion was supposed to end up at all!
No more guest appearances for you!


  1. Have followed the blog for over a decade. xlnt
    I watched many episodes of TJ Hoooker when it was on. Always a pleasant and hilarious diversion. Many (or most) episodes involved a chase when HookShat would run down a suspect. Wait for it…here he goes…he’s running. Please continue.

  2. Thanks Decade Long Anonymous Reader. We appreciate it!!
