Wednesday, May 25, 2022

T.J. HOOKER - "King Of The Hill" (1982)

Two things I never talk smack about are "The Twilight Zone," and almost every project that William Shatner has ever been involved with in his career. This week's William Shatner Wednesday feature falls into category two.

William Shatner was T.J. Hooker for 90 glorious episodes from 1982 to 1986.
This one was was Episode 02, from Season 02, and it was titled "King Of The Hill."

Hooker's partner on the job is a young officer named Romano played by Adrian (Slave Master) Zmed.

Heather (Firestarter) Locklear is the cute as a bug Officer Stacy Sheridan.

60's teen heartthrob James (Moondoggie) Darren is Devil Dan Darko.

There's no shortage of action, that's for sure!

I never watched this show when it originally aired back in 1982, but as a big Shat fan, it sure is fun to watch some forty years later.

Two punks and this wild-eyed girl are on a crime spree robbing convenience stores.

Shat at his smuggest!

I read where Adrian said he became pretty good friends with Bill Shatner, after spending more than 15 hours with him over the course of the show, just shooting scenes like this together in the squad car.

James Darren would later become a regular on the show as Officer Jim Corrigan.
Today we have obnoxious street racers, but back in 1982, these hill racers had a little more sense.

If this was the kind of crowd that was attracted to street racing today, I don't think people would mind as much!

The Shat has more than his fair share of swagger!

He doesn't even need to say anything, but he still has plenty of cool one-liners.

This violent clown gets exactly what he deserves, a one-way ticket to Hell!

Young officers Romano and Sheridan had planned a race of their own, but the Captain and Hooker come up with a better and safer alternative.
Thanx again to Mr. Magic Music Box in Berlin for suggesting this one to me!