Monday, May 30, 2022


I was looking through a few Johnny Legend DVDs and found a "Teen Mania" section of trailers and clips from JD flicks, but also found this trailer of Dr. Macabre for his onstage monster rally that appears to be from 1958 or 1959. Let's take a look and see what this monster guy had to offer the theater audiences back then...

And don't forget, he's bringing in the screen's scariest monsters, alive and in person!!

There's the Hunchback Of Notre Dame, you'd have to be afraid that he'd throw you off the balcony, just like in the movie!

Teen Age Frankenstein will be there, ready to pummel your sorry ass if you look at him crossways, so be warned!

The Daughter Of Dracula will be there to bite you in the neck and drain your blood if you get out of hand, like Eegah and Tabonga would be!

The Fly will be there to scare the crap out of you, and watch out for those little flies with white heads, better scatter!.. I wonder what the actual make up or masks looked like for these 'live' monsters on stage.

Now, how in the Hell would you get freakin' Rodan on stage without crushing the bejesus out of it?! Of course it was human sized, wondering if it was the actual Toho Rodan suit, or, just a cheap knockoff.

And the Colossal Beast will be there to creep you out with his nightmarish face, all 60 feet of him... Err, I mean 6 feet! He wouldn't fit otherwise.

And so you know, there will be many more monsters that aren't here this time, and they're just waiting to get their big hairy claws on you!!

Oh, and there's even more thrills and spills with the Super Shocker show No. 2!

That's right, Spooks-A-Poppin' is up next, a thrilling new idea in spook shows! I sure would like to know what this 'new idea' is...

But, be assured that Dr. Macabre double dares you to come and see these supermonsterous, Superhuman Supershockers...

In Person and On The damn Stage!!

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