Saturday, February 12, 2022


If I had to pick one word to describe this week's Saturday Night Special, I don't know if it would be insane, ridiculous, or just straight out weird!
Welcome into The Dungeon!

"The Return Of Captain Invincible" has left me speechless, but not exactly for the right reasons!
You literally need to see this thing to believe it!

The movie starts with olde newsreel footage of Captain Invincible during his WWII glory days!

The little boy scout that got the Captain's autograph goes on to be the future President of the United States.

Then it happens! The Captain is accused of being a Communist sympathizer, and even though he is completely innocent of the charges he goes from hero to zero in a flash, and is now a drunken bum living in Australia.

The marvelous Michael (Curse Of The Undead) Pate plays The President of the United States, and goes to Australia to tell The Captain that there is a dire emergency, and the world once again needs his help!

Alan (Catch-22) is the washed up super hero Captain Invincible. The Cap has some very interesting powers, but his most recently acquired power is to drink himself to death.

Kate (Shirley Thompson Versus The Aliens) Fitzpatrick is police officer Patty Patria who wants to help Captain Invincible get back on his feet again. She found his old super hero suit in a pawn shop!

The poor Captain can't even remember the commands to make his super powers work anymore!

The Captain can fly like Superman, but one of his more unique powers is that he can turn himself into a super powerful human magnet!

When he finally got his magnetic power turned on, it stripped everyone in the room because they all had metal in their clothes like zippers.

Well, I told you this film was ridiculous, and one of the main reasons is that it is also a full blown musical, like if Rocky Horror was a super hero flick, and it's not just a couple of songs, there are at least ten fully choreographed songs. I really wasn't ready for that!

Sir Christopher Lee is the evil Mr. Midnight!

And Yes, believe it or don't, but Chris Lee is also in two of the song and dance numbers, and if you want to know the truth, they are probably the best part of the movie. If you don't believe me, then check it out yourself!
Captain Midnight flies back to America with Patty in tow, and goes back to his old digs in the head of The Statue Of Liberty.

I dig this shot because it looks like Patty has her arm around the Captain, but those are just claw epaulets he has on the shoulders of his costume.

The owner of this deli has a very unique automatic weapon!

Mr. Midnight tries to bring Captain Invincible to his knees by offering him every kind of alcohol in the world, and a wild ass song called "Name Your Poison" to go along with it!

I have severe mixed feelings about this movie, but it's always good to see Christopher Lee even in the worst movies, and this one is no different!

And how often do you get to see Chris Lee smile? That grin alone is worth the price of admission!

 "Everything's going to be just great again!"


  1. I freaking love this film. Thank you for posting about it. The "bulls**t" song is a fave of mine. The entire production is completely absurd and giving it all it has to give. Just like Captain Invincible.

  2. Thanks Ben. We try to give our all like the Captain too!

  3. A longtime friend of mine made a movie with Mr. Lee in the 1970s, and Lee was a prince of a guy working on the flick! He gave an unusual performance that really made the film work, too!
