Monday, September 20, 2021

TALES FROM THE CRYPT / "Undertaking Palor" - 1991

Here's a creepy little tale from the Crypt starring John Glover, Graham Jarvis, Aron Eisenberg, Scott Fults, Jason Marsden and Ke Huy Quan.

The story's about four friends that find out the local undertaker and a local pharmacist are working together to murder rich people and profit from their funerals!

Aaron, Norm and Jess just got out of the theater after watching the show and are walking through some back alleys...

A dark figure persues them and they're freaking out until he reveals himself as their other pal, Josh. He's the filmmaker in the group. He really had them going.

So, the boys thought it was a pretty good trick, but if you really want to be a filmmaker, they need to go to the undertaker's lab and shake hands with a corpse! Now, that would be epic. So, they sneak in and check the place out while the undertaker is out. One of the boys pulls back the sheet and discover the school librarian (with a look of horror on her face) on the table!

And guess who comes back? It gets weird real fast as the boys, hiding, catch a glimpse of the undertaker doing insane things to the body. He then removes the sheet, makes a cut down her stomach and uses a commercial vacuum to suck out her innards...

The boys are sickened by the unbelievable methods being used on the librarian.

And while working, he's listening to a horrible operatic song with a woman singing along, I really wanted it to stop. He also has pizza and Pepsi to enjoy as he does his thing.

The boys get away after the undertaker gets a visit from his partner in crime, the pharmacist Grundy. They also learn that the two plan on committing another crime that night by poisoning a rich patient with a prescription. That night, Josh's father dies and the boys decide to play some games themselves, by getting video evidence back at the lab...

Jess works for Grundy and is asked to take a prescription to the mortuary for the undertaker.

But Jess drops the bottle and the undertaker ends up chasing him down the street.

Aaron and Norm run into the lab and find some invoices showing that the undertaker was cheating his partner, Grundy. They take them to Grundy.

In the meantime, we see the merry undertaker stuffing Josh's dad with filler after removing his innards with the vac.

Grundy shows up and threatens the undertaker who grabs a pole and whips around, knocking Grundy out. Grundy is then strapped to a table...

The undertaker pours some fluid down his throat and Grundy dies a gruesome death, but, one of the boys is video taping him in the midst of his crimes!

Wait, another boy?.. And another? Yes, all four friends are there to tape the incident and mess with the undertaker.

One boy scoops up the undertaker with the librarian behind him, then Norm turns on the big vacuum machine and jabs it into the psycho's gut! Let the sucking begin!!

Pretty cool ending!! John Glover was great as the undertaker.

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