Friday, April 2, 2021

TALES OF TOMORROW / "Read To Me, Herr Doktor" - 1953

In this strange tale, Professor Kimworth has built himself a robot to read to him as his eyes are in pretty bad shape. But the robot starts to take on the personalities of the heroic characters in the books he's reading to the professor...

It stars Mercedes McCambridge as Patricia Kimworth, Everett Sloane as Professor Kimworth, William Kemp as Sidney Strong and Ernest Graves as the Robot.

Professor Kimworth is enjoying the story his robot is reading to him. He's interrupted when his daughter Patricia comes in to tell him that one of his former students is there to visit him.

Former student Sidney Strong (I swear to god, William Kemp has the longest forehead I've ever seen! He should have been an alien in THIS ISLAND EARTH) shows up t at Professor Kimworth's place for a little visit. When he asks the professor what he's been up to, well, take a look...

Holy freaking cow, what's THAT?!! I know the professor is a professor and all, but seriously!! Maybe he should have gotten some fifth grader to give him some pointers! Anyway, Sidney sits and listens to him read, after the professor tells it, read to me, Herr Doktor, a quote from one of the professor's favorite stories.

On his way out though, Patricia tells Sidney that she hates the robot, and that her dad is actually having conversations with it...

After Sidney leaves, the robot attacks the professor, and tells him that he must help it become a man. It forces the professor to read scientific books so it can attain knowledge.

Then things really go off the rails!! The robot lets Patricia know its intentions, it's madly in love with her, it wants to be her knight in shining armor, like in the stories he's been reading.

Sidney shows up and the robot threatens to harm the professor if she doesn't send him away, which she eventually does.

The robot makes more advances toward Patricia, the professor tries to shut the thing off but fails in his attempt.

Patricia, after listening to it repeat lines from Romeo and Juliet, tells the robot that ...THE BOOKS ARE WRONG!!

The robot just repeats... The books are wrong, the books are wrong.. It goes over to its seat and sits down, and hangs its head. The professor opens it up and pulls something out, it's the heart mechanism, and it's broken!.. What the Hell man, LAME!

And, we say goodbye to this cardboard robot from the junk heap of time. Good Riddance!!

Speaking of 2 cent robots, here's a Cinder Blockhead with an Eyeball I made back when we were making movies. Sucker was heavy!!

Here's one I made out of cardboard and two plastic parts, pretty cheap-ass, no?

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