Saturday, December 12, 2020

LOVE THAT BOB - "Grandpa's Christmas Visit" (1955)

Here's a festive and fun holiday Saturday Night Special for you from 1955, an episode from "The Bob Cummings Show," or "Love That Bob," whatever you want to call it, called
"Grandpa's Christmas Visit."

If you're not familiar with this sitcom, it's about a fashion photographer called Bob Collins, who was played by yet another Dungeon Hero, Bob Cummings. That's Rosemary (13 Ghosts) DeCamp as his sister Margaret, and her son Chuck as played by Dwayne (Dobie Gillis) Hickman.

To show off his multi-dimensional talents, Bob Cummings also plays the role of Grandpa!

Being a modest man, Bob only takes credit for the role of Bob Collins, and Grandpa Collins is credited at the end as being played by "The Pride of Jopin, Missouri," which is where Bob Cummings was actually born!
Pretty cool split screen special effects for a TV show done in 1955!

The art of photography has come a long way in 65 years. Thank goodness we don't have to use flash powder anymore!


 It's pretty funny when they show you the photo that Grandpa took!

Bob and Margaret are both pretty hung over from a Christmas party, and they think poor Grandpa must be sleeping in, but he's really outside shooting hoops!

In fact, Grandpa feels so good, he wants to take Chuck's new bike for a spin!

Bob's main squeeze at the moment is this gorgeous model named Mary Beth Hall who was played by Gloria (Roadracers) Marshall, and that's Bob's secretary Schultzy played by Ann B. Davis who was also Alice on "The Brady Bunch."

Bob tells Grandpa to come to his studio and check out his new equipment.............

.....................And of course Grandpa gets all the wrong ideas!

Bob decides to try and get Grandpa hooked up with Mrs. Taylor down the street, someone more his own age, and he calls her and impersonates Grandpa on the phone, and indeed, she'd love to come down and play checkers!

Bob and Mary Beth have a dinner date and Mary Beth is starving since she has been on a diet trying to get her 25 inch waist down to 23 inches, and while waiting on Bob, she peeks inside the refrigerator! 

That turkey leg was just too appealing.

Grandpa returns with a box of chocolate covered cherries because he still thinks he has a date with Mary Beth.

At this point Mary Beth doesn't care who she's going out with, as long as she gets something to eat!

So Grandpa and Mary Beth end up going out to dinner, and Bob gets stuck staying home and playing checkers with Mrs. Taylor who has just suggested they play a series of eight out of fifteen matches! Bob graciously agrees, and that's where this great story ends!


  1. Thanks for reminding me (via your link for Bob Cummings to his other films' pages on the Dungeon!) about the fantastic Hitchcock movie, SABOTEUR! Mostly, I have a tendency to think of him as a TV actor, so I forget his movie work!

  2. "Saboteur" is one of my favorite Hitchcock films!

  3. Checked out the Robert Cummings entry on Wikipedia and found out he was the godson of Orville Wright and the father of Rob Zombie. Whoa...

  4. As much as I wanted to believe that, it was just too much, and after looking around for thirty minutes or so, I am 99.9% sure that Rob Zombie's Dad might be named Robert, but it's not this Robert Cummings. I even saw a video interview of Rob Zombie where he answered a question on another subject with, "Well, that was something Wikipedia got right."

  5. One thing I know about Bob Cummings is how much of a "health nut" he was. So it's only fitting that he has Bob's grandfather "not act his age."

  6. I knew he was from Joplin (wife and I stayed there on our recent roadtrip to Phoenix), but I am _floored_ to learn he's Rob Zombie's dad. Just floored.

  7. I guess you didn't read my other comment Randall, as cool as that would be, I'm almost positive that it isn't true.

  8. *wakes up*

    "Roadtrip to Phoenix!?"

    *closes eyes*

  9. Sorry I missed it, Eegah, sorry. I actually left the site for work, and then checked out Wikipedia, and posted. Should've checked out the posts. ;) But Robert Cummings was listed on Google Maps' entry on Joplin. Bummer he's not Rob Zombie's son. My wife and I were talking about it this evening.

    Yeah, the wife and I took a Thanksgiving roadstrip, going through Indiana, Illinois, Missouri (stayed in Joplin), Oklahoma, Texas (saw the Cadillac Ranch), New Mexico (stayed in Allllllbuquerkeeeeee), and Arizona (drove through the Petrified Forest). 7 days with the new grandbaby. Then took the Southern Route (I10, I20, I30, I40 and I65--New Mexico, Texas (saw Mexico and the Rio Grande--stayed in Midland), Arkansas (stayed in Little Rock), Tennessee (had Memphis BBQ) and back to Kentucky. Great fun, and wife and I enjoyed seeing 20% of America, :)

  10. Randall: Reminds me of my driving around the country back in the '70s, when I put many miles on my good old Plymouth Barracuda!

    But wow, that sounds like an incredible, awesome, round-trip roadtrip! I mainly traveled in a straight line on most of my drives, from one place to another, and have rarely done a round trip like that! I'm not sure I can do another trip like I used to. BTW, didn't you stop to see the Meteor Crater when you drove through the Petrified Forest? Every time I'm up north, I visit the Meteor Crater. (That's one of the places where the astronauts practiced their moon-walking, back in the day!) When I was younger, my wife and I walked almost all the way around the rim of the crater!

    I'm still trying to decide where to move after I get things squared away here in AZ, but a friend of mine in Ohio is trying to talk me into going back there, or to Pittsburgh, PA (I consider "The 'Burgh" my "home town" even though I wasn't born there. Lots of good years and memories...)
