Friday, September 25, 2020

SWING SYMPHONY / "Abou Ben Boogie" - 1944

Here's a laff from the Walter Lantz studio, one of his Swing Symphony cartoons, it takes place in the Sahara Desert and goes like this...

Well, it all starts right here, at the good old Adobe Club. Come on in and grab a seat, the show is  almost ready to begin, and you won't want to miss it.

The hat check girl unwinds this guy's turban off his head!

The mood gets set with some Boogie Woogie music when this dude pulls out his rolled up piano and starts playing a tune.

Then, SHE appears, a real heavenly body! The eyes on the right say it all...

Men can be so pathetic when it comes to pretty, shapely women. These three pics show just what it can do to guys, makes them into freakin' pervert clowns!

I swear, that's one erotic pic there!

This female camel keeps popping in and giving guys big sloppy kisses when they're thinking it's their dancing beauty.

Now it's time for that Oriental Rug Cutter, Abou Ben Boogie, to make his entrance!

After Ben gets a gander at his dance partner, they start cutting up that rug!

In the meantime, the snake is now the charmer and the charmer is now a snake!

The dancing gets frantic, the shapely dancer rolls Ben up into a ball, bounces him, then butt checks him against the wall where he turns into a wad of mush!

Ben obviously enjoys the abuse because he turns into a big bad wolf on the prowl.

Then, our beauty slips into a large bowl where she's covered by a lid... Hmmm, wonder what's brewing in there? Could it be she's undressing? And when the lid comes off, she'll be naked and all my dreams will be fulfilled?! Better close my eyes and pucker up for that special kiss I'm gonna get.

And, after one big wet, sloppy kiss, Ben opens his eyes to find what else, that damn CAMEL!!

So like, check us out again tomorrow as we keep feeding the kitty, here at The Dungeon!!..


  1. Kata - Kata Kisah NyataSeptember 25, 2020 at 2:55 PM

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  2. This is truly great, delightful stuff! I had no idea Walter Lantz was behind the Swing Symphony cartoons, or did things like this, in 1944 for that matter!

    I hope there is a DVD set of these, because my dad used to have a huge collection of 78 RPM swing and big band discs from the early '40s, from before he went into the Army Air Corps (I treasure his hat and flight log...and his "little black book" lol )!

    He was attending Miami University in Oxford, Ohio before WW II broke out, working in the town's record store, so he collected a ton of great 78s, which he stashed until things settled down. He kept those swing and big band records until the late '70s, when my mother threw them all away! >:(

    Dad loved this kind of cartoon, too.
