Friday, September 18, 2020


Here's  one we did back in 2007 which had only three photos, now we have the whole story. It's about a millionaire's ghost that watches while his heirs murder each other over his fortune.

It all starts with a knock on the door, you need to get Satan's permission to enter, a night club!

What Mexican movie wouldn't be complete without music, I ax you... This isn't the only guy that can entertain the crowd since there are a number of other acts on the lineup, he just likes to get up close and personal with the pretty ladies there.

And oh boy, nothing like some hot devilish chicks working at the club, but their hubbies (damn!) tell them it's time to leave and go to the reading of their dead relative's will.

The friend and lawyer to the deceased reads the will and Mercedes comes out on top, and it's big time sour grapes for the others. But of course, if anything should happen to her, well, someone else will get the hidden dough.

It doesn't take long before the 'ghost' of the dead guy shows up and tries to stab Mercedes.

Groovie, looks like the old Devil has cooked us up something special. Actually, he's a waiter, ready to serve  a flaming delight to that sweet couple at table 6.

Clavillazo, star of CASTLE OF THE MONSTERS and CONQUISTADOR DE LA LUNA, plays a private detective brought in to help Mercedes. And of course, his logic leaves a lot to be desired.

Our little detective encounters the ghost, and pulls a gun on him!  You know, you can't kill a ghost. Anyway, Clavillazo wants to put handcuffs on him but can't get the job done because holding the gun is preventing him from accomplishing the task. He hands the gun to the dude so that he can put the handcuffs on... Now, what could possibly go wrong?

And, he nearly gets a long blade in the back!

And now two people have been stabbed to death, everyone had better watch out...

Okay, time to chase Mercedes around and around and around... She stops the action like in a cartoon, and gets a sip of water before she calls 'action' again. Then, with a giant ax in hand, the ghostly guy swings and just misses her, demolishing the bannister!

Clavillazo dresses up like the ghost so there are now two of them running around. The real ghost guy gets conked upside his head, putting him out of commission...

Well, if it isn't the lawyer! Thing is, he dressed up like the ghost to keep an eye on the ones that actually committed the murders, and they're going to jail.

Mercedes falls through a trap door, goes down a chute and finds the hidden money, making for a happy ending... We're back tomorrow, so check that out. And, if the blog looks a little weird, don't blame us, blame the 'new' Blogger...

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