Friday, July 24, 2020

WOODY WOODPECKER / "Round Trip To Mars" - 1957

Time for a trip back to 1957, when things were fun, just the opposite of today. In this cartoon, Woody is on vacation and gets annoyed by a professor building a rocket ship near him...

Here's our little pal in Lost Wages, enjoying the sun. He's having a great time on his inner tube until it sounds like a jack hammer going to town near him!

What the heck! Someone's working on a big old rocket ship in the desert there!..

It's a nutty professor, ready to take off for a trip to Mars! Yeah, good luck pal.

Woody takes his inner tube, attaches it to the rocket, then puts the tube around a giant boulder, which pulls the rocket back down, causing it to crash into the ground! Woody puts on a space helmet and pretends to be a Martian!!

Woody does his best impression of a Martian, and the professor falls for it.

Our devious little pest offers the professor a drink, but it's freaking rocket fuel...

Like, which way did he go, George?!

Woody plays another prank on the professor, he gets his mechanical Martian out and walks it around. The professor thinks he's finally captured the little trouble maker...

But Woody has other plans! He throws the switch on the transformer, and, zap-a-roonie!!

C'mon, you gots to has a exploding cigar to round out the laffs!

The professor climbs a tree while chasing Woody, only to be shot into the air after our hero ropes the top of the tree, pulls it down to the ground and cuts the line!

Woody tells the professor that he can get him back to Earth, so, they get inside a rocket and are ready blast off!

But, they're on a ride at Dizzyland, bringing our story to a fun end! Tune in tomorrow as Eegah!! gets ready for another Saturday installment, here at The Dungeon!!..

1 comment:

  1. A huge favorite cartoon character when I was a kid. Thanks, my friends, for helping me feel like a kid again for some joyful moments. :D

    PS: I still have the Viewmaster 3D reels (and an old Bakelite viewer), of Woody Woodpecker, where they substituted physical dioramas, miniatures, and puppet figures, for cartoon drawings! That's what got me into making miniature landscapes and such for my early Super 8 sci-fi short films.:)
