Saturday, June 27, 2020

UFO - "Identified" (1970)

 This week I've got a real Saturday Night Special for you, and it's loaded and ready to go!

 "UFO" was a British TV show that was on for one season from 1970-71.
The first episode was titled "Identified."

 Gerry and Sylvia Anderson were projecting ten years into the future!
So sit back and just imagine how the world was supposed to be exactly forty years ago!
They might have got a couple of things wrong!

 First off, the future, I mean the past, is all about sex, and I've got evidence to back up this theory!

Nine years later and Sid Vicious was dead! Was it irony or prophecy?
You tell me! He was from Space you know!

 One of the earliest first person shooter games, "DOOM" didn't come out until some 23 years later!

 I never was quite sure why the Andersons thought the cars of the future should all look like Studebaker Avanti variations!

So here's the deal, forty years ago, there was a secret force that kept the Earth safe from UFO's.
The weird part is that most of the time they refer to them as 'you-fos' not 'you eff ohs!' That part takes a little getting used to.

 So that's basically the whole show in a nutshell!

 When they're not having to deal with UFO's, then it's just .......



 .............And more Sex!

  Got any complaints? Talk to the Manager!

 Booze vending machines rock!

 These two guys just figured out that in retrospect, forty years ago compared to the present day, wasn't that bad after all!

Thanks Gerry and Sylvia! The world needed that!


  1. I loved this show as a 12 year old and still love it some 50 years later. I bought it on DVD a long time ago and some years back it was released on blu-ray (Region B) and I upgraded. It looked better than ever on a 65" screen.

    You have to remember that when first shown here in Australia we had B&W TV (we didn't get colour until 1975), so the first time I saw it in colour was when the DVD set came out. Then seeing it remastered on blu-ray with all the swinging sixties colours.... mindblowing!

    Thanks for reminding me to watch it again.

    Stay safe you guys!

    Paul from Oz

  2. Thanks Paul! Great comment! As much as I love black and white, a show like this just has to be in color. That's half the fun of watching it. I don't think I even owned a TV in 1975, but if we did it was black and white for sure. I didn't get a color TV until around 1980 back when dinosaurs roamed the earth!

  3. My favorite of the Gerry and Sylvia Anderson shows! This was a lot more fun than the later Space: 1999 (IMHO), and with women in slinky tight suits and purple wings (!?), you just can't go wrong! That opening was hella kicks, too!

  4. agreed! This is the show I prefer to all the other Gerry Anderson productions, even though I love them as well. That music occcasionally comes to mind even when I'm driving for UBER.
