Saturday, May 9, 2020

DR. JEKYLL AND SISTER HYDE - "Shock! After Shock!" (1971)

This evening's Sick Sister Saturday Night Special is the 1971 twisted film "Dr. Jekyll And Sister Hyde!"
I never can figure out stuff like why would they put a picture of two naked people on the poster, and they are not even the people in the movie.

"Dr. Jekyll And Sister Hyde" is a real gender bender of a movie! The obvious twist is that after Dr. Jekyll drinks his potion, instead of turning into the Mr. Hyde villian, he turns into a beautiful evil woman instead!

 Well that describes about half the men in the town!

Ralph Bates is Dr. Henry Jekyll. Ralph was just finishing up his two year run of Hammer films that included "Horror Of Frankenstein," "Taste The Blood Of Dracula," and "Lust For A Vampire."
Ralph himself succumbed to cancer at the age of 51.

 Where else would Dr. Jekyll live besides behind door 13?

Dr. Jekyll wasn't really a bad person, in fact he was totally dedicated to curing the ills of society, except for the killing of the whores for their hearts part.. When Dr. Jekyll does a test run of his bloody potion on a fly, it changes sex from a male to a female, but it doesn't really concern him that much.

 The notorious London grave robbers Burke and Hare help the Doctor get what he needs!

Yeah, I'd say he fits the bill all right!

Dr. Jekyll ingests the serum that he has made...........

...........With startling results, even to himself!

 Essentially, there are two reasons to watch "Dr, Jekyll And Sister Hyde,"
Martine Beswick................

 ......And Martine Beswick!

 Maybe his greatest achievement, the Doctor seems quite pleased to have boobs!

The locals catch up to Burke and Hare, so the good Doctor has to go out and do his/her own dirty work now!

Martine Beswick came out of retirement in 2019 to make a film with two other classic Hammer beauties, Caroline Munro and Virginia Carlson titled "House Of The Gorgon," and it looks like they are still trying to raise enough money to release it, but you can watch a trailer on YouTube!

I'm sure you know the story, the Doctor's life is now spiraling out of control!

Dr. Jekyll is getting weaker, and Sister Hyde is taking over, but he/she can switch back at any given time, and it's not usually good timing either.

The end was already per-determined!

This is quite a fascinating still since you never really see the two of them together in the movie!

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