Monday, April 13, 2020

VIRGIN SACRIFICE / Featuring Members Of The Savage Vicuni Indian Tribe! - 1959

In today's deadly adventure, a white hunter in Guatemala falls for a native girl there and must save her from becoming a virgin sacrifice, pretty easy to understand. I had an aunt from Guatemala, boy could she cook!! Oh yeah, it's filmed in Tropicolor!!

This one stars David DaLie as Mr. Samson, Antonio Gutiérrez plays Tumic the native leader, Angélica Morales as Morena and Fernando Wagner as what else, Fernando!

Mr. Samson is taking a canoe trip to San Jose in Guatemala, we get to enjoy some beautiful jungle locations and animal life along the way.

While riding in the boat, Samson has a flashback from the past about seeing a native girl die by a dagger wound in a virgin sacrifice near where he's going, and it still disturbs him...

After reaching his destination, he finds his friend, a fellow hunter, dead. Samson takes from his clutched hand a talisman from a local native tribe...

Samson goes to the cantina to get a drink after he finds his dead friend. There also is Tumic, a member of the tribe that killed his partner for hunting the jungle animals. He despises Samson too, and decides to keep a close eye on him. Check out the bartender!

There are a lot of dance numbers at the cantina, and many are flaming hot, like this shot here!

Well anyway, Fernando and daughter Morena are out enjoying themselves in the jungle, he's fishing and she's bathing nude in the water! The natives show up and kill the old man, then kidnap Morena and take her away in their canoe...

Samson is hot on the trail to retrieve Morena from the natives. He encounters a booby-trap but isn't fooled by the natives' lame attempt to kill him.

The natives even unleash a pile of pythons and vipers in another failed attempt to kill our hero, he's super jungle-wise you know!

So, the natives get Morena to their camp and tie her up, then they mess with her a lot. Samson shows up and wants to speak with their leader...

Holy cow, wouldn't you know it, the freakin' leader is that spiteful Tumic! Now what?!..

But of course, it's a battle to the death between Samson and Tumic!! Let the Tiger-God decide who the winner and new tribe leader will be!

It's down to blade vs. blade, and after a lengthy battle, Tumic bites the dust, game over man!

With Morena in tow, Samson grabs his clothes and just gets the Hell out of there, while the warriors cover up their dead ex-leader... The End! We'll return with more wild Dungeon Cargo on Wednesday, see you then!


  1. It's certainly very colorful (in multiple ways)

  2. I'm surprised by female nudity in an American color film in 1959. Not complaining, mind you (heck, nice shot!), but surprised. I thought that sort of thing was several more years away.
