Friday, March 6, 2020

THE THREE STOOGES / 'The Hot Scots' - 1948

Here's another wild and crazy adventure from the boys, this one has Shemp in it and it goes like this... The Stooges apply for the 'Yard Men' job at Scotland Yard, thinking they'll become detectives, but the job actually calls for gardeners! When they learn that detectives are needed to guard a Scottish castle where valuables have been disappearing, they masquerade as Scotsmen to get the job. After a spook filled night in the castle, the boys expose the servants as being the real crooks. This one also stars the beautiful Christine McIntyre as Lorna Doone!

So, the guys show up at Scotland Yard about the ad in the paper for some 'Yard Men' wanted. But when the Inspector calls them 'gentlemen'...

Moe says, like.. Aha! We fooled you! We are NOT gentlemen, and start pulling off their disguises to show what good detectives they'd make!

Unfortunately, the job calls for gardeners. Shemp and Larry are complaining to each other about the crappy job, so, Moe conks them both on the head with his trash picker tool. He tells them that if they do a good job here, maybe they'll eventually get an assignment...

A minute later, their first assignment falls right into their hands after the note is blown out of the Inspector's open window by a gust of wind! Excited, Shemp grabs the trash bag and all the contents pour out after Larry had snipped a big hole in it while pruning...

The Stooges make it to the castle, they've heard the place is haunted. Angus, the butler, has snuck up behind them and he scares the crap out of them when they turn around.

They then meet MacPherson, the guy in charge of watching the place for The Earl of Glenheather while he's away, and the sweet little Scottish cookie, Ms. Lorna Doone.

Angus shows the boys to their room. He tell them a gruesome ghost story about the castle, and as he's leaving he tells them, Good Night! And he adds.. Pleasant dreams!.. Freakin hilarious.

Moe and Shemp leave to go downstairs to guard the place. Shemp just has a creepy feeling, Moe sez there ain't no such things as ghosts, so, SHADDUP!

The spooky character goes into the boys' bedroom where Larry's sleeping. He pulls a cord and the bed slides through to another room. The spook then starts removing valuables from the room, putting them in a big leather bag...

Downstairs, Moe and Shemp are lazily watching the place. They interact with a for real 3-D painting of an Arab dude!

Shemp wants to lie down in the bed and thinks it's Larry there, and gets into a heated battle over possession of the covers.

Moe always gets the worst of it, he almost gets a dagger in the head and then gets conked real good by Larry and Shemp who think it's the bad guy!

I swear, Larry can be the biggest putz, he tries to conk the bad guy with a mace but takes out both Shemp and Moe instead!!

Well, whada'ya know, it's MacPherson and Angus who're behind the thefts.

During the confusion, Lorna grabs the bag of valuables and tries to duck out. The Earl with the police show up and catch Lorna red handed, take her away fellas...

In appreciation, the Earl will prove there are no ghosts in the castle. He opens a cabinet door to find a skeleton playing the bagpipes. That's it! There are ghosts in the castle!.. Run boys run!! Hey, tune in tomorrow because Eegah!! will have something special for you and me! Here, at The Dungeon!!..

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