Wednesday, March 11, 2020

SUPERMAN - "Terror On The Midway" (1942)

Tonight's Wednesday Wonder is brought to you by The Fleischer Brothers.
Not only did Max and Dave Fleischer make the best looking cartoons, I think they might have just made more than anybody else, and they had the best heroes, Popeye, and Superman!

Max Fleischer produced over 625 cartoons, and his brother Dave directed over 645, and "Terror On The Midway" was just one of them!

 "More Powerful Than a (Super Cool) Locomotive!!"

 "Able to Leap (Totally Awesome) Tall Buildings at a Single Bound!"

 You can bring on as many superheroes as you want, but Superman will always be the baddest of them all in my humble opinion!

And Clark Kent will always be one of the best alter egos too!

The circus is in town, but it's not going to be the show that all the kids are expecting!

Of course, circuses are nothing by controlled chaos and madness!

It's when they become out of control that all Hell breaks loose!

These two shots of Clark checking out Lois Lane are great!!

Lois had a real Betty Brosmer waistline!

The star of the show makes a grand unplanned entrance!

Even the clowns are scared!

This giant simian is like a mean spirited King Kong!

And he has desires for Lois Lane just like Kong did for Fay Wray!

Size really doesn't matter if you're going to have to go up against Superman!

Time for Clark Kent to take his eyes off of Lois Lane, and go into action as Superman!

Lois is completely terrorized on the midway!

And of course the authorities are no help at all!

The whole place goes up in flames!

But this is Superman we're talking about, and since none of those clowns have any Krptonite on them, he'll handle this big ape just fine!

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