Friday, December 6, 2019

THE LIGHTHOUSE / Frank Dietz: Monster Kid Home Movies - 1976

You know, XMAS is really about the kids, so, here at The Dungeon, it's all about those crazy Monster Kids!! Here's a little movie by Frank Dietz from 1976, looks like these kids are doing their own version of the famous lighthouse scene from THE BEAST FROM 20,000 FATHOMS, which I saw in 1953, the first monster movie I saw at the theater as a kid!

We start with a shot of the lighthouse, just another night of keeping the ships safe on the bounding seas... Right!

Here are the lighthouse keepers like in the movie. One's playing the concertina while the other kid is smoking his pipe, making for a perfect night in...

Then, out of the water appears a huge dinosaur, curious about the lighthouse. And, the guys inside are unaware of the impending situation about to take place! What's up with that head gear, too clean and way too white! Probably his mom's.

Anyway, the keepers looks out the window and see the monster lookin' back at them!

The beast take a bite out of the lighthouse and all Hell breaks loose!!

The keepers are knocked around inside the building, bringing on fraught terror!

Then, the damn thing nudges the lighthouse and in comes tumbling down!!

So, the monster goes ashore to cause a giant pile of trouble for us puny humans... Join us tomorrow when Eegah!! brings on the pain with more XMAS stocking stuffers!!

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