Friday, November 15, 2019

SPACE THING / A Peek Into The Year 2069 - 1968

In today's story, a man is reading Sci-Fi mags in bed, his wife wakes up and seduces him. After a close encounter of the fourth kind, he then falls asleep reading another mag. In his dream, he comes from an alternate world, and after taking a space taxi from his mother ship, he boards an alien ship in space and has disguised himself as an alien to fit in. The captain is a woman and there are plenty of adventures with sexy gals to be had!

So, here's James Granilla in bed reading one of his his sci-fi pulp magazines, he's absolutely fascinated with the stories. his wife threatens to throw them in the trash! He starts reading a new story when he dozes off and starts dreaming away...

Here's the space ship he's in, a model of the good old Star Ship Enterprise!

This thing stars Karla (FIREBALL 500) Conway, Steve (DRIVE-IN MASSACRE) Vincent, Merci (ERIKA'S HOT SUMMER) Montello, Dan (Dude has 5 acting credits, all in 1968!) Martin, Fancher (THE HEAD MISTRESS) Fague and others.

In his dream, he's Colonel James Granilla, and, he would like permission to enter the space ship! The sexily clad woman is the commander of the ship, the guys are dressed in plain old blue jumpsuits. (thank you lord!)

Colonel Granilla watches the crew do their thing in space and notices all the hot chicks!

You get a lot of this stuff too! Must be hard being a woman, it's sooo mystifying and all...

The Colonel also gets to join the crew for lunch! Great use of plastic there!

Then, they're forced to land on an asteroid! In a scene out of THE ANGRY RED PLANET, we see the landscape out the port window. The rocks look like chewed up cauliflower!

So, one of the guys has to go out and explore the place. After carrying an air tank around for a while, he realizes that the air is breathable.

The Colonel and the female commander enjoy a little romp in the sunlight.

The guys in the crew are super jealous of the man in gold, and this one tries to take care of the problem. Trouble is, the Colonel is too quick and too smart for him.

This shot blows my mind!.. Genius!!

It turns out that the Colonel's mission is to destroy the alien space ship and the crew, before his race is attacked by them!

He looks at a photo of his son to remind him what his race is fighting for!

So, he blows everything up!!.. Tilt, Game Over!

This girl gets a C- in hand held endings. Tune in tomorrow when we'll add another one to the heap, here, at The Dungeon!..

1 comment:

  1. See that cheap saucer-like spaceship above? That's THE INVADERS flying saucer model kit from the '60s TV show, with some added model parts glued to it. When I first beheld the SPACE THING trailer and saw that model, I just about fell off my couch.

    This is probably one of the strangest and most fun movies to come out on DVD from Something Weird Video a few years back. The DVD is still affordable at $13.99, and worth viewing if you'd enjoy a cross between the '60s STAR TREK series, and a touch of softcore (I think?) adult filmmaking.

    The film's "special effects" such as they are don't even reach the bottom level of "monster kid" miniature work, and the film's desert scenes and costumes have an unmistakable hint of PLANET OF THE DINOSAURS, and while it's not entertaining sci-fi, it's definitely good for a few chuckles and much eye-rolling.
