Friday, September 27, 2019

THE BLUE DEATH STRIKES! / Bruce Tinkel: Monster Kid Home Movies - 1964

So, looks like it's time to check out another Monster Kid Home Movie from those crazy kids with their 8mm Kodak cameras with no sound, back from the past. This one is about a kid that can change from pretty good to evil death dealer with a ghoulish mask... Oh yeah, he wears blue!!

Here's the kid before he changes into... Drum roll please!

Ta da!!.. The freaking Blue Death hisself!!.. Better watch out all you stupid kids!!

Read all about it!.. Read all about it!.. The Blue Death is loose and on the prowl!..

Now, that's what you call cheap-ass!!

Stupid Kid!!

He gots what he deserved!

This one's about four and a half minutes long, so, you can believe that there's plenty of kid tossing for some cheap thrills. I can imagine what all the kids were talking about when they watched it for the first time, I'd bet that they liked these the best, there's quite a few of them!

The Blue Death is out roaming around, looking for unsuspecting victims, but, loses power and faints, when he wakes up, he's just a regular guy! Yet another Jekyll/Hyde character.

Guess what his favorite method of mayhem is, what else, choking them damn kids to death!!

In part 2, yes, there are two parts! Anyway, The Blue Death now has some Halloween hands with claws to help him kill those kids!


Well kiddies, there you have it, a fun one goes into the old Dungeon Vault! I'm hoping Eegah!! has something special for us tomorrow, join us, here, at The Dwrayger Dungeon!! 875 Followers strong!

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