Wednesday, August 28, 2019

MY LIVING DOLL - "Boy Meets Girl" (1964)

 Here's a pretty Wild Wednesday feature for you!
"My Living Doll!"

 "My Living Doll" was a TV series that came out in 1964, and was only on for one season.
It was a show about a female robot and was filled with all kinds of innocent perversion! It's no wonder I liked it so much! This was the very first episode and it was titled "Boy Meets Girl."

 The 'star' of the show was one my favorite leading men from the 60's, Robert 'Bob" Cummings!
For me, Bob Cummings was like a better looking, not as stupid, and funnier Jerry Lewis! 
Bob's character is named Dr. Robert McDonald!

 But the person who steals the show is the absolutely stunning Julie Newmar as the robot doll!

 If my math is correct, Julie Newmar just turned 86 a couple of weeks ago. Julie is so pretty that it makes me believe there must be a God!

 On the right is Henry Beckman as a Dr. Carl Miller. The Doctor is upset and freaking out because he has lost an object called AF709, a secret project he's been working on! Bob tells him if he finds it, he will let him know! Henry Beckman is one of those special people with a line of credits as long as your arm, and he was in two "Twilight Zone" episodes, "A Thing About Machines," and "Valley Of The Shadows!" If he's got a familiar face, it's because he was also in so many cool TV shows in the 50's, 60's, and 70's that included titles like "Peter Gunn," "My Favorite Martian," "The Man From U.N.C.L.E.," and "The Munsters."

 Bob sees some bare feet enter the room, and looks up to see.....

 .........This gorgeous woman who is not quite all dressed!

 She kind of talks in riddles, and Dr. Bob is a little confused until she turns to leave!

 That's when he realizes that she is AF709, the object that Dr. Miller was saying that he was missing!

 On the right is Jack Mullaney as Dr. Peter Robinson who is going to fall in love with the robot on first sight. Of course, at this point, neither of them know she's a robot! Dr. Bob calls Dr. Miller to tell him that he found his 'project' and that she is exiting the building! Jack Mullaney passed away at the age of only 52 after having a stroke, but he still managed to be in a memorable series of flicks like Disney's "The Absent Minded Professor," "Dr. Goldfoot And The Bikini Machine," "Spinout" with Elvis, and "Little Big Man!"

 Julie Newmar dressed like this is sexier than a million or more completely naked women could ever be!

 Dr. Miller tries to explain things to an unbelieving Dr. McDonald, and then asks him to take the robot home with him for a couple of days, because he needs to leave town. (He ends up being gone for a couple of months!) Bob has no idea what to think!

 Julie Newmar is still probably best remembered for her role as Catwoman!

 Out in public, the robot is creating quite a stir, and Dr. Bob thinks he better get her to his apartment A.S.A.P!

 After being shown the control buttons on her back, Bob is finally convinced that she really is a robot, so he says something to her like, "Okay, first thing is, we need to get you out of those clothes," meaning get her into something more normal. She is a subservient robot, so she complies and starts to disrobe!

As much as he would like it, that wasn't really what nice guy Bob had in mind!

 Bob doesn't even trust himself with her now, and calls his sister to come over and act as a chaperone!

 "My Living Doll" was only a half hour program, so without commercials, it only lasts 25 minutes, and gets over way too fast, but if you have Amazon Prime, you can watch all 26 episodes for no extra charge! Hell, that's worth the annual price of an account all by itself! I know a lot of people have beefs with Amazon for various reasons, but I'm sure not one of them just because of stuff like this!

Speaking of Amazon, you know it's usually all fun and games around here, but if the Brazilian government doesn't get off it's ass soon, and do something about the out of control fires burning in the Amazon rain forest, we're all going to end up living in some cheap ass Sci-Fi movie about the end of the world!
In the meantime, I'm going to watch as many episodes of "My Living Doll" as I can, and I suggest you do the same!


  1. Wow! I had NO idea this show ever existed, and I've been knocked out by Julie Newmar for years. Definitely will be looking this up on Prime later.

  2. Cool B! That's why we do this! I think you're going to like it!

  3. I can't help thinking that the Bob Cummings of LOVE THAT BOB would've treated this situation a little differently. I guess this Bob Cummings is more like "Professor Sutwell" from BEACH PARTY.

  4. The circumstances call for a bit more decorum I think.

  5. Wonderful, fun show! I was only 10 when it was on the tube, and luckily it originally aired on CBS, and we had out CBS TV station in Steubenville, Ohio, so I was actually able to watch it. Delightful show with an astounding lady in the lead! She's an icon, then and now!!!

  6. Couldn't agree more! I love her!

  7. There is a great DVD set from MPI. c.2012. Has all the "available" episodes known to exist. They want to do a 2nd DVd. Has great supplemental stuff like the original soundtrack album! On amazon

  8. Whoa, Dr. Mark! The original soundtrack album is in the extras, too!? Dayum, I need to dig out my copy of that DVD set and look for the soundtrack now!!! :D

  9. My dad talked about this show but before the internet, I did not believe him.
    When it came out on Amazon I was thrilled and we watched them together.
    One thing, however, the master films for this series were destroyed in the (I believe) Northridge Earthquake in the early 1990s. Only 10 of the original episodes survived, NOT all 26.

    So sad.

  10. I did not know that Lacey. Yeah, that's a real shame!
