Monday, June 3, 2019

THE ALIEN / Mike High 'Monster Kid Home Movies' - 1979

Stupid Kids!.. You gotta love 'em, 'specially when they make Monster Kid Home Movies. Just look at this swell title card, made by a kid of course. It'd be nice to be able to read it, but, you know, kids! Anyway, it sez... THE ALIEN!

This one starts with a barrel and some fireworks to simulate a rocket landing. Not really that great, but, I've seen worse. Then, the Alien crawls out of the thing, wow, that must have been one Hell of a cramped ride!

Looks like he had time to stop by The Gap for some threads, but, how did he get those big old hands through those sleeves?!

This dude shows up and decides to chase the Alien, and, get's his ass knocked out!

The Alien is out for blood, and, it looks like he killed... ME! I don't remember anything about shooting this scene, how'd they do that?

Dude is back with his huge seventies Plymouth, Dodge or Chrysler. As the Alien approaches him, the guy slips (on purpose) and awkwardly gets up. He barely gets away from the monster and digs out big time.

The Alien's ready to choke this kid out, when...

Dude is back again! He shoots the Alien but when he checks to see if the thing's dead...

He ends up just another victim! I really dig that tongue hanging out, nice touch!

I want to know one thing, why would you give a deadly Alien baby blue eyes??

Here are the ending credits... Stupid Kids!! Hey, check back Wednesday when Eegah!! will do his best to give us another whacked out post.


  1. Mucho Mas Besser! Gracias Amigo! I like this story, baby blue works if you're colorblind. It scared me!

  2. Always love hearing from you Santo Azul, you know your stuff pal!
