Monday, May 20, 2019

LA HERENCIA DE LA LLORONA / The Heritage of the Crying Woman - 1947

Here's a rare, early Mexican horror movie that features a detective who is investigating the ghostly appearances of La LLorona, a spirit that is haunting a family which has faced a recent tragedy. This was the second film dealing with the legend of the Crying Woman. It stars Paquita de Ronda, Juan Jose Martinez Casado, Tito Novaro and Agustin Isunza.

Here's our goofy detective, he's a little old fashioned in his methods...

Here are our lovers, ah, to be young again. In the true Mexican tradition, this one is filled with lots of singing and dancing, and, makes you yearn for the good old days, just the opposite of the fix we're in at this time in space.

There's something weird about that mirror, what the heck!

There are mysterious characters that seem to have their own agendas that go against the grain.

Strange things are beginning to happen at the hacienda and word of the Llorona is mentioned as the possible reason for the problems that have come home to roost.

Then, there's a death in the family, things are starting to get real...

The detective and his pal are staying with the family. That night, they find a big snake under their sheets for a little bit of comedy relief.

Then, the good guys learn that one of the people hanging around is an escaped criminal after he shoots and kills someone that knew the real story behind the appearance of the Llorona.

The convict is captured and they put the cuffs on him. We then learn that he was actually there to steal from the family and used the story of the Llorna as a cover for his deception. What a relief!

Of course, we have to end with the detective who has stepped in a bear trap! What the Hell?!!.. We're back on Wednesday with more wild 'n' weird junk, just 4 U -

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