Friday, March 29, 2019

THE MONSTER / Bob Burns: Monster Kid Home Movies - 1953

Last Friday I posted Bob Burns' 1952 entry into Monster Kid Home Movies, THE ALIEN. Today, I gots THE MONSTER from 1953, barely over 3 minutes, Bob's second entry into this obscure but popular genre. Again, it seems that Bob had some professional help, check out that very nice title card!

We start the story at this 'private laboratory' somewhere in LA I'd say. Well, I wonder what's going on beyond that door, are those kids making monsters again?!..

Okay, the answer is!.....

Yes, yes they are!!.. Those crazy kids are making another freakin' Monster!!.. God help us all!

So, it's time to re-animate this messed up dead guy! I can't remember, how in the heck does this damn thing work again?.. I guess that's about right...

Aww crap-a-roonie! Now, what in the Hell am I going to do?... Like, HEEEELP Mr. Wizard!!

The Monster gets up as...

The equipment goes totally haywire, using good old sparklers to achieve the effect. I loved those sparklers when I was a little guy.

The Monster spaz chops the assistant and they scratch the footage to make it look like electricity shocks. One down, one to go!

Then, the Monster deep sixes the mad scientist kid as the place catches fire.

The place starts caving in and the Monster gets caught under some burning timbers and says goodbye, only a minute after he was brought back to life!! Stupid kids!

We end our tale here, with another sweet card... Tune in tomorrow when Eegah!! pops in to give you another treat, here at, The Dungeon!..

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