In this third installment, Ripley is the only survivor when she crash lands on Fiorina 161, a bleak wasteland inhabited by former inmates of the planet's maximum security prison. Once again, Ripley must face skepticism and the alien as it hunts down the prisoners and guards. Without weapons or modern technology of any kind, Ripley leads the men into battle against the creature from Hell.
It stars Sigourney Weaver, Charles S. Dutton, Charles Dance, Paul McGann, Brian Glover, Ralph Brown, Danny Webb, with an appearance by Lance Henriksen
Ripley's taken from the crashed ship, she's barely alive...
The inmates on Fiorina 161 don't like having a woman there, so, Ripley decides to cut her hair to look more butch for the boys...
In the meantime though, the dude cleaning the giant fan housing when he hears some noise below, he takes a look, and, gets a face full of acid! Then, he falls back into the freakin' fan!!
Hmmm, me wondereth iffith there be an Alien in the house?!
The guy in the bed's face sends out a spoiler alert!.. Blood!!
Crazy things (involving blood and slime) start happening around their living quarters.
Then, it happens... Horror of Horrors... Ripley discovers she has a baby Alien in her!
Here's what it looks like for the Alien as it chases down a potential victim!..
This shot reminds me of some of the landscapes I've envisioned about the future.
Cool shot of Ripley and Dillon as the try and track down the hideous creature.
Ripley drops cold water on the Alien after it was dropped in a vat of super hot liquid. It blows the Hell up!
Bishop II, the robot from ALIEN (what gets conked in the head by a metal bar in the scene), shows up to beg Ripley to turn over the Alien in her for study, it's a magnificent specimen!
But, our girl has other plans... She falls back into vat of death as the Alien baby pops out of her gut... Tune in Wednesday as we crawl along the dusty old Dungeon trail.
A very underrated flick!