Monday, October 15, 2018

DEMONS / Their Evil Becomes An Orgy Of Bloodshed! - 1985

Today's burnt offering is a demonic tale of a group of invited guests who are granted a free lunch in the form of a screening of a horror film that brings demonic forces to life! Penned in the theater, the crowd's feelings quickly turn to screams and a fear that the dead will lust after the flesh of the living.

This thing stars a pile of Italian actors including Urbano (GOR II) Barberini, Natasha (THE FINAL SCOOP) Hovey, Karl (THE TUNNEL) Zinny and Fiore (TRAUMA) Argento.

It all starts wif' a weird looking dude giving out tickets for a screening of a new horror movie. So, take your seat and we'll get this damned show a goin'...

In the movie they're watching, a small group of teens are exploring the catacombs in an old castle. One of them finds an old moldy book about supernatural spells, he turns to a page about conjuring demons and recites the spell aloud...

Another dude finds a satanic mask and puts it on just for the Hell of it. But, after he removes it, there's a tiny cut on his cheek.

It's just a movie, right?.. Well, no! Since the audience heard the spell, its influence starts a domino effect. This gal gets a huge blister on her face that pops and the evilness oozes out!

Of course, all Hell breaks loose after she bites the crap out of a few people! And now, there's more than one demon to worry about!

The non-demon people gather together after they board up and block the doors to keep the demons from coming in and taking over... Now what?!

Then, these very cool demons come up the stairs, looking for.. YOU!

Oh yeah, let's not forget about this damn dirty demon!! She digs lime sherbet.

There's a freaking damaged helicopter in the building, and in a scene out of THE LAND UNKNOWN, dude starts it up and uses the blades to take out the demons! The demon on the bottom gets its face ripped off by a blade!

It turns out that the whole city is now infected and this group of people are the only ones not affected. They like to shoot the monsters and then run them over!.. Hey, it's fun you know!

Anyway, they decide to head to the country and start a new civilization!!!.. What the fuck?!! Hey, check back on Wednesday when we'll bring you more Halloween fodder!!

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