Friday, September 21, 2018

LOST IN SPACE: Forbidden World / Season 2 Episode 4 - 1966

On their next planetary stop in this episode, the Robinsons encounter a hermit, played by Wally Cox, who plans an attack on the Jupiter 2 with his army! Wally was popular back in the day, he worked mainly in TV and was only 48 years old at the time of his death. The title card makes it look like some kind of kinky sex planet!

After a forced landing on a strange planet, Dr. Smith sends the Robot out to survey the terrain. When it doesn't come back, John and Don send the slacker out to find their metal friend...

But of course, Dr. Smith encounters something that makes him faint, what a puss!

And, his ass gets dragged away by some unknown creature...

When the doctor doesn't return, well, Will goes out on his own to locate him and the Robot. The first thing he encounters is a big old mutant spider (made by Bobby in the fifth grade)!

Then, a dude named Tiabo (Wally in silly weird makeup) enters the scene.

Him and his monster pals take Will to their lair...

There, Will joins Dr. Smith and the Robot who and what are being held as prisoners, where the doctor is drinking some liquid from a jug. Then, the supposed leader comes on the view screen and tells the gang about his plans to attack the crew of the Jupiter 2. It's just Tiabo doing some role playing though.

The gang escape (part of Tiabo's plan) and head back to the Jupiter 2. But, the doctor cannot stop drinking the stolen liquid so the Robot analyzes the brew. The main ingredient is an explosive with devastating power!

Back at the ranch, the doctor is sent away to explode by himself, away from the ship, once it's found out about his unstable condition...

But of course, the Robot has a plan to deactivate the explosive, so, it connects a device to the doctor! But... Will it work?

It does!!.. The only thing that happens is the doctor's lightning rod shoots out some tingly sparks, and, it's all over, deactivated!! Hooray for the Robot...

Tune in next week when this scary stuffed toy attacks the gang!!.. See you then!.. And, we'll see YOU tomorrow when Eegah!! pulls another fun post out of his... err... hmmm... oh yeah, his HAT...

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