Friday, September 7, 2018

LAS LOBAS DEL RING / She-Wolves Of The Ring - 1965

Time to go south o' the border and check out this tale of wrestling babes from 1965. I had the plot translated into English and this is what it said... Intimate problems and the evils of their friends solve them in the ring! ...Nuf' said?

This one stars the fabulous Lorena Velázquez, here's a small list of movies she appeared in... THE SHIP OF MONSTERS, SANTO CONTRA LOS ZOMBIES, SANTO vs. THE VAMPIRE WOMEN, DOCTOR OF DOOM, WRESTLING WOMEN vs. THE AZTEC MUMMY, PLANET OF THE FEMALE INVADERS, ATACAN LAS BRUJAS, LAS MOMIAS DE SAN ANGEL and more, in fact, she's still working today!!

Looks like it's time for the wrestler dudes at the gym to let some she-wolves join the club!

So, our she-wolves have dates and are enjoying their night out on the town. Love that bottom pic, the dude is a little shrimp compared to the gorgeous wrestlerette!

Another female wrestler likes to force her man to do her bidding!

Lorena plays Loreta Venus, here she is kicking another gal's butt into submission.

But, henchmen of rivals stalk and capture a wrestling chica and take her to a secret location.

Here are the rivals, plotting to take the crown from Loreta Venus and Golden Rubi. She is also a wrestler and wants the title, Queen of the Ring. Hey, wrestling was a big deal in Mexico back in the day you know!

Another she-wolf and her mom are captured and get tied up at the hidden location.

Love this shadowy hallway at the old wrestling auditorium.

Check out the tiny TV the bad guys have to watch the wrestling match. They are hoping that their she-wolf will beat up Loreta Venus and take her crown!

Had to show these nice vintage cars, a Chevy and a Corvair, used by the henchmen.

Well, wouldn't you know it, the bad guys get their just desserts. Loreta Venus ends up the winner after a tough match, and, dude gets knocked into a power panel and gets his ass toasted but good! Game over, man!!

We get a laugh at the end when the pushy wrestling gal tries to muscle her man, but, he grabs her and conks her over the head with a flower pot! Ahh, sweet revenge!! So, like, tune in tomorrow when Eegah!! tries for another field goal...

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