Monday, June 4, 2018

THE OUTER LIMITS: The Bollero Shield / Season 1 Episode 20 - 1964

Today's classic story's about Richard Bellero, a dedicated scientist, he's working on experiments involving sending laser beams into outer space! But, his father believes he isn't capable of taking over the Bellero business empire. In the meantime, Richard's wife Judith has more than enough ambition for the two of them and Richard, through a freak accident, reels in a being from another dimension with his experiment. The being has a small device that can project a shield that no force can penetrate! Judith sees the alien and the shield-projecting device as a means to power and while Richard is away, she tricks the alien to deactivating his shield device, then, shoots the alien to prevent him from departing Earth, what a bitch! She removes the hand held device while failing to notice it was connected to a vein in the alien whose bodily fluid is the key to operating the device.

This episode stars Martin (ED WOOD) Landau as Richard Bellero, Sally (MASH) Kellerman as Judith Bellero, Chita (SAMMY AND COMPANY) Rivera as Mrs. Dame, Neil (BATMAN) Hamilton as Richard Bellero, Sr. and my favorite, John (ATTACK OF THE PUPPET PEOPLE) Hoyt as the 'Bifrost' Alien!

Things are happening at the Bollaro estate, Richard and his father are working on an experiment that sends a laser beam into space to see its effects. But so far, pops thinks his son is on the wrong track for a successful outcome...

I like this machine, boy, what they could get away with in the sixties for scientific equipment that would actually work!

Here's Richard with wifey Judith. they are both disappointed at the results of the experiments so far. Judith is bent on success so that she can rub it in Richard's father's face, who she doesn't like very much!

Judith finds Richard's experimental laser ray gun and tests it on a bottle of wine, it disappears but within a few moments...

This creepy thing appears in the room with her... Like, help, Mr. Wizarrrd!!..

Judith tells Richard about the incident so he and Mrs. Dame go to the room with her to see the mysterious creature. The alien tells them all about what brought him there and shows them his device that can make a force field that cannot be penetrated!

While Richard is away, Judith shoots the alien and removes the shield device that was attached to the alien by a vein...

Judith shows the device to Richard's dad, she gloats as she explains what she has in her hand.

She activates the shield and has pops use the ray gun to see if it can penetrate it. The gun fails but when she tries to deactivate the shield, well, she remembers that she forgot to ask the alien how to do that!.. OOPS!!

Judith is trapped inside the shield, Richard and his dad try just about every way to get through and rescue her, axes, hammers, drills, torches, you get the picture! Anyway, Judith is starting to go bonkers thinking she'll never get out of the shield! I kept thinking... What if she needs to go potty!

They find the alien in the basement, he's barely alive, Richard gets him to help Judith get out of the shield. He's barely able to remove the shield before he keels over and dies...

With the shield gone, Judith has gone mad and thinks she's still trapped, a fitting end!! Check in again Wednesday when we continue down the dusty old Dungeon trail...


  1. I remember watching this one as a kid and didn't understand that she was cray-cray. I thought she was still stuck in the Bellero Shield.

  2. Sally did a great mime job!

  3. She really did. :) She was a terrific actress with quite a diverse career.
