Friday, March 16, 2018


In order to spice up a Friday around here, well, I have chosen 13 vintage exploitation posters to check out! So, let's get this road on the show!..

Lettuce start with this beautiful poster for WHAT PRICE INNOCENCE? from way back in 1933. In this one, a young woman has to pay the price for fooling around with men, what else?!

From 1961 we have KIPLING'S WOMEN, it's one of the first of the Nudies to gain wide-spread showing in the US, although still relegated mostly to the grind house circuit. Love that poster!

PARIS OOH-LA-LA hits the big screen in 1963, this French production obviously shows lots of beautiful women and a Hell of a lot o' skin!

In SHANGRI-LA from 1961, Sammy Petrillo stars as a zookeeper who prepares to go on a vacation with his buddy. He tells his pal about the good time he had on his last vacation, visiting alligator farms and nudist camps!!

NAKED COMPLEX is released in 1963, it's about a dude that's an expert at judo, water skiing, golf, tennis, scuba diving, and racing cars, but is a hapless flop around women! In an effort to cure him, his doctor takes him to a nightclub to get him used to being around attractive women. He faints and is humiliated when the newspapers reveal his "malady" and he runs away, flying his plane to a remote island with nude women!

Nudism was a popular way to get an audience back in the day... In SANDY,THE RELUCTANT NATURE GIRL from 1964, a young woman finds out that her boyfriend has been lying to her about where he spends his weekends. She hires a private detective to follow him and discovers that he has joined a nudist camp!

And, there's even more nudism in EVE AND THE MERMAN from 1965. Here, A young schoolteacher and her two female friends rent a vacation house on an island. While exploring the area, the teacher runs into a handsome young man who tells her he's actually a Merman, and tries to convince her to go back to the sea with him!

The nutty story in HOT THRILLS AND WARM CHILLS from 1967 goes like this... Three women, who haven't seen each other for years, meet at a motel to talk about what they've done since they were together and plan a heist of the King of Sex's crown during the upcoming Mardi Gras carnival. They pull off the heist but are pursued relentlessly by detectives and have to use their feminine wiles to escape incarceration!

In GIRL FEVER from 1960, the story's pretty damn simple. A producer searches for talent to headline his burlesque show!.. 'Nuf said?!

Love this poster for Barry (THE DEAD ONE) Mahon's NUDES, INC. from 1964! The tagline sez it all... The true story of the girls who pose in the nude!

Next up is the possibly-lost flick, THE PLAYPEN from 1967 starring Tiger Lilly, we'll just use the good old tagline for this one too... A VERY Adult Movie About a Country Girl!

In Russ Meyer's EVE AND THE HANDYMAN from 1961, Eve is dressed in a long raincoat and follows her handyman around as he makes his appointed rounds. She watches as he has humorous run-ins and he even tries to help a topless hitchhiker.

I saved the psycho dude for our last entry. In THE LONELY SEX from 1959, a maniac kidnaps a young girl and holds her prisoner in a shack in the woods... Phew!! So, be back here tomorrow for more wild 'n' weird stuff, from, The Dungeon!

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