Friday, November 10, 2017


It's always something... My still capture software went south, leaving me in limbo yet again! So, until I can get it figured out, I'll be doing stuff like this, a look at some horror movie posters from Bollywood, India... Enjoy!

Since I can't translate the titles, well, I'll just have to use my old knuckle-nob to surmise what's going on. This poster clearly shows a big octopus that I'd say is probably making big trouble for the divers and a sexy babe!

I'm thinking that this is a popular kookie couple that has to spend some time in a haunted house somewhere in India...

This one looks like a movie that's about hypnotism and prestidigitation... Check out the little finger on the left hand, man, a lot of English being put on that curse there!

I dunno, I'd say this is a Jekyll/Hyde flick, who knows... Hey, the old split-face gag!

Okay, I got this one!.. It's a movie all about a bunch of draculas!!

This looks like Rasputin as a blood sucker! Them's some long fangs!!

This is my favorite poster of the lot, I pass on trying to figure out what's going on there. For me, this is nothing but awesome eye candy!!


This is another snappy poster, nice imagery and colors. Yet another vampire flick starring Dracula, throw in some hot sexy chicks and a skull for good luck!

Looks like some evil spirits are loose in this story, the skull guy looks like an Alien!

I've included this more modern poster, great stuff! While I was putting this post together, made me think, wow, I'd like to see some of these, especially if they're older movies!!


  1. Incredible artwork! Love the imagination-run-wild of these...

  2. Sex seems to play a big part in these stories too...

  3. Two most powerful forces in life: sex and food--the seeking and finding of same. At I recall...
