Friday, May 26, 2017

JOSIE AND THE PUSSY CATS IN OUTER SPACE: The Sun Haters / Hanna Barbara - 1972

To distract a bit from from probably becoming a Poot'n Puppet, I thought I'd keep it light today with some Pussy Cats flying around in Space!! This cartoon series ran from 1972-4 and put Josie and her pals in space adventures to keep the kids interested. Wow, no title card was even shown!

The gang land on a planet only to have their ship grabbed by a weird giant...

The giant dumps the gang on the ground and leaves with their rocket. There, they meet some regular sized aliens who decide to help the lost spacers!

The boy alien takes Josie and her pals to the city of the giants to find their ship.

They find the lab (good thing everything's in English!) and have to push a huge door open. Then, they almost get stepped on by one of the big ones!

The giants seem to be experimenting with their rocket, what the Hell's going on?!

Pssst... I found an empty broom closet, let's go take a break!..

Anyway, it's time to figure out how the controls work to try and get their ship back.

The giants are putting something inside the rocket, now what?!..

Well, believe it or not, they're testing a foam that will put out a sun, because, I guess, they are simply, Sun Haters!!

The gang do all they can to get their ship back, but it's hard to deal with giant sized obstacles.

It turns out that the giants are huge Josie And The Pussy Cats fans, they put on their shades, clap their hands and tap their toes to that groovy Earth beat!

So, the giants give them a big send off...

And, they head off, back into space for more adventures for us kids...

I saw these credits at the end of the episode and noticed writer Tom Dagenais, I used to date his ex-wife when I lived in LA. Anywho, we're back tomorrow when Eegah!! will bring us something cool...


  1. LOL Didn't realize Fred Freiberger was one of the show's writers. He was the producer for the last seasons of both Star Trek and Space: 1999.

  2. Freddie also was co-writer (I think, but am too lazy to check the IMDb) of Bert I. Gordon's BEGINNING OF THE END (giant grasshoppers in Chicago)! Arthur C. Pierce was one of the "bug wranglers" on that film, dropping live-but-dying-from-the-heat-of-the-lights g'hoppers on photos of Chicago skyscrapers!

  3. Don't make the gang be in outer space, make them be on earth driving in their van but make the aliens be on earth and show a title card after the theme song
