Sunday, October 30, 2016

R.I.P. JOHN ZACHERLE - September 26, 1918 - October 27, 2016

Well, I don't usually do things like this, but I just found out from the WFMU Rock 'n' Soul Ichiban blog that the Babe Ruth, the Jim Morrison, of horror hosts, John Zacherle just passed away at the age of 98 three days ago on October 27th!

When I was a kid, we didn't get Zacherley's show on TV, but the fact that out of all the cool monsters in the world, they chose to put Zacherley on the cover of Famous Monsters Of Filmland twice out of 15 issues, you just knew he was THE best! In retrospect, when I finally saw his work, it didn't change my opinion! Just like Forrest J. Ackerman, or Vincent Price, or Boris Karloff, some people will just never ever be duplicated, and John Zacherle was one of a kind!
If you know who he was, then this is a sad moment, and if you don't, then it's even sadder!


  1. Zacherley is definitely a dude worth missing!..

  2. It's the same with me. I wish I'd known him in less of an indirect way, but I've heard enough to like him.

