Friday, September 16, 2016

THE FOG / Embassy Pictures, EDI, Debra Hill Productions - 1980

Here' a blast from the past with a fun cast of characters and directed by John (THEY LIVE, R.I.P. Roddy) Carpenter. The story's about the approaching centennial celebration in the small town of Antonio Bay, California. 100 years earlier, a wealthy leper, Blake, bought the clipper ship Elizabeth Dane and sailed with his people to form a leper colony! While sailing through a thick fog though, they were deliberately misguided and crash their boat against the rocks. When the town's residents prepare to celebrate, an eerie fog shows up!

The movie begins with a sea captain telling his audience of kids the old tale from the past, a good way to set up the story.

Nice title card, very soothing and calm.................. Booo-Wah!

I thought I'd start with this very cool radio alarm clock from the late seventies...

To the left of the radio we find Tom (ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK) Atkins as Nick Castle and his girlfriend, Jamie Lee (HALLOWEEN) Curtis as Elizabeth Solley. They spend most of their time trying to solve the upcoming mystery.

Adrienne (SWAMP THING) Barbeau plays Stevie Wayne, local radio DJ. There she is going to the radio station in her neato VW Thing! Beautiful locations!

And, The Fog cometh!!........

The Fog rolls onto land and the fun begins. The lady watching Stevie's son there gets tore up real good, but, the son is barely rescued by Nick and Elizabeth... Hurray!!

Here are Hal (THE STAR CHAMBER) Holbrook as Father Malone and Jamie Lee's mom, the great Janet (PSYCHO) Leigh as town spokeswoman, Kathy Williams. They're working on community damage control.

Then, the creeped out sailors find their way to the church, where everyone has gone to congregate, supposedly the safest place in town!

What the Hell, Father Malone brings out a huge metal cross and the main zombo grabs it and there's a tussle over the damn thing as it heats up! Good news is that Nick pulls the father away from the situation and the bad guys go poof! Join us again tomorrow for more cool junk from... The Dungeon!!

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