Monday, August 22, 2016

SCARED TO DEATH / Malone Productions Ltd. - 1980

Here's another movie inspired by ALIEN I'm sure, this time an ex-cop, now working as a hack novelist, is called out of retirement to help investigate a string of deaths that appear to be the work of a serial killer. Soon though, it's revealed to be the work of the Syngenor, a synthesized genetic organism!

The movie has the same name as the 1947 production starring Bela Lugosi, so, don't be confused... ha-ha!

Okay, I messed up on the last post, so, to make up for it, here's a tasteful shot of this gal getting dressed or undressed... I'd love to be walking by her window late at night!

Here's the black cop playing chess with our ex-cop turned hack writer... Checkmate, mofo!!

Here are some essential household amenities for that early eighties crowd.

This dude was wearing a hard hat that said 'Skylab' on it before he got a glimpse of the Syngenor in the sewer! He falls back after putting the manhole cover back on.

This girl is in shock after she witnesses her friend being attacked by the monster!

I'm pretty sure that the old Amberdine Research Facility has something to do with the story!

Well, our heroes go into the sewer and find more than they bargain for! Not only are there a ton of gruesome victims, there's, I guess, a Syngenor egg that they blow the Hell up!

Threw this still in because I like the colors and composition, and, you can read the note!

Anywho, the real cop shoots Syngenor and we watch as it flies backwards and falls on its ass! Ultimately, the thing gets crushed under a giant rock, so, Hurray!! But, the story doesn't end there, much like things... Here at The Dungeon!!

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