Monday, January 4, 2016

THE OUTER LIMITS / The Man With The Power - 1963

Here we go again with the start of another week, this time an episode from the first season of THE OUTER LIMITS that stars the great Donald Pleasence. The story's about a milquetoast college teacher who lacks the ability to stand up to anyone, especially his shrewish wife. But, after an operation on his brain (adding a transistor unit) so that he can aide in a space project to mine asteroids, a giant electrical vortex appears when he gets angry, unleashing the Earth's magnetic field against the offender.

I have a sound clip for your approval, sooooo, you can push the big red 'GO' button located there by our caged storm cloud, NOW, Ralphie The Tarantula!.. Here's a little sample from... THE MAN WITH THE POWER!

Donald plays Harold J. Finley, and, after his operation, he's simply... The Man With The Power!

Two county workers are blocking the road and that makes Harold angry, a minute later the electrical vortex shows up and toasts their asses but good!

At home, Harold's wife is a total serial nagger, makes this old monster happy to be a bachelor!

At the lab, Harold displays an amazing amount of mental power, the scientists don't quite understand what to make out of it.

Harold is readied for his next experiment...

When he fully concentrates, he bends the metal bar like he's Superman!

After nagging Harold while cleaning the windows, the vortex shows up and wifey falls off the ladder. This is one hard fall for actress Priscilla Morrill, really!

The Dean of the college denies Harold's request to work at the lab because he has no tenure, so, this is what happens to him!

Harold realizes the truth and is helpless to stop the vortex from its purpose after it appears.

Harold wants the transistor removed, but, before it can be accomplished, the vortex is set free and it attacks the doctors!

There is only one way to stop the nightmare, so, Harold lets the thing attack him! We're back on Wednesday with more new year terror!

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