Wednesday, January 20, 2016

MONDO TOPLESS - Russ Meyer (1966)

Normally, I wouldn't do a soft-core movie like this, but it's a Wildcard Wednesday, so anything goes, and what has gone the most in this movie, is all the women's tops! The only reason I'm doing this movie is because my Pal in New York, the wild and woolly John Bartles sent it to me as a Xmas present!
Here's just small look into John's mind!
"Top Knot Babey!"

Wikipedia defines Mondo thusly: "A Mondo film is a documentary film, sometimes resembling a pseudo-documentary, usually depicting sensational topics and scenes." And that pretty much says it all! As far as I can tell, there have been four other Mondo movies in title, "Mondo Cane" in 1962, "Mondo Cane 2" in 1963, "Mondo Hollywood" in 1967, and "Mondo New York" in 1988!

Here's some rocking music by The Aladdins, (It's doubtful that was a real band) and some manic narration by John (Beneath the Valley of the Ultra-Vixens) Furlong! Gotta love some of the girl's names like Abundavita!

 There's nothing subtle about this movie, that's for sure!

The opening scenes that go along with the weird ass narration are of this totally nude blonde just driving around in San Francisco, the place that gets recognition as the home of the topless movement!

Batwoman topless? Whoo Hoo!! The name of the house band is Billy King and The Kinsmen, which I'm sure wasn't meant to trick anyone who was a fan of the ever popular The Kingsmen of "Louie Louie" fame! Reminds me of one of the most intelligent bands of the 70's, "Free Beer!" Once their name went up on the marquee, there was always a good crowd!

Chi-Chi's!  Also referred to as breasts, boobies, hooters, titties, sweater puppies, knockers, fried eggs, and head lights, were a real passion of Russ Meyer, and he spent his whole career trying to prove it!

 Those happy go lucky Shriners are always welcome! 

 About 90 % of the footage is boobs, and about 10% is sound devices like tape recorders and radios!

Sometimes they lose it, and focus in on the girl's faces instead of their breasts!

This is a really nice shot of what was called a transistor radio!

Don't worry, that top won't stay on for long!

Pensive and thought provoking!

Fireside Inn Restaurant doesn't sound much like a topless club!

Let me end this mess with another classic John Bartles tune:
"My Human Don't Love Me No More!"
Stay tuned in, I'm sure Tabonga's got some more classic crap cooked up for you on Friday!
Until then, Ta-Ta's!

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