Wednesday, October 7, 2015

IT'S "YOUR PARTY!" Hallowe'en Countdown 2015

Well, here's what I like the most about the Hallowe'en Countdown! It gives me a chance to do something a little different!

 So first off, here's some Hallowe'en Countdown 2015 Dungeon wallpaper for you as a tribute to Shawn and John and all the good folks who make this whole thing happen!

You want to talk about monster kids? Here's a shot of Tabonga from about 1965! I don't think my parents ever found out that he got into their freezer! 
And here's a short little tune that I made by mistake one night when I had two songs playing on my computer at once. The two elements are a song by The Kinks, and a bit of Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven" being read from a movie titled "The Shadow Of The Cat!"  It worked out surprisingly well!

And last but not least, let's keep this Halloween party going with some tuneage from our long lost contributor Zillagord, and some friends of his, and the band Jenny Sizzler, because a lot of you have been asking what happened to him!

It's "Your Party!" Thanx for showing up!!


  1. Oh my gawd! How scary is THAT! Thanks for posting this!

  2. Cool mash-up! I was almost ready for the Kinks to start singing, "Poe Poe Poe Poe Poe-La!"

  3. You know you're a fan of "guilty pleasure" monster movies when you can recognize KONGA right away in that upper left-hand corner.

  4. Yep! Pretty scary G Dub! Glad you liked the Monster Mash-up LD, and Guilty Pleasure Grant? I've even got a sealed copy of "Konga" for some reason!

  5. So do I (though it's unwrapped). And I put "guilty" in quotation marks because it never really feels that way.

  6. One thing is for sure, We do love our simians!
