Wednesday, June 3, 2015

L'UOMO DEL COLPO PERFETTO - "Hot Diamonds" (1967)

It's been a while, but the time has finally come for another Wednesday night action packed Italian thriller courtesy of the Cult Action Team!

Tonight's feature is titled "L'uomo Del Colpo Perfetto," or as it was released in Spain, "El Hombre Del Golpe Perfecto!" In English it was called "Hot Diamonds," but "The Perfect Hit Man" would have been a more literal translation!

 I haven't read anything real good about this movie, but is this not one of the coolest images you've seen lately? It's like The Hulk in a freakin' sea swamp, and this is just the imagery used for the opening credits!

 These just might be the sexiest spotlights I've ever seen!

 They probably should have just made a cartoon!

"Hot Diamonds!" No shit! Literally! A plane carrying a large cargo of diamonds suddenly explodes in the middle of nowhere! "Diamonds, Diamonds" was written by By Cassia and Pitevin and performed by the always exciting Raoul!

 Richard Harrison is back as Steve Norton this time, and he really doesn't want to be disturbed!

 Steve Norton is just a little too busy at the moment to be concerned about the fate of the entire world's economy, and who can blame him?

Business is business, and Steve is photographer with a lot of work to do!

 "Say Cheese!"

 The producers don't make any bones about it, so I'm going to just come out and say it, "Hot Diamonds" is about hot chicks! That's it, now you know the whole story! Although she has a pretty small part, Rosalba Neri was the main focus of the Spanish poster. As you can see, unlike on the poster, the dress she is wearing is black not red, and the black dress is open on the sides, not just the middle!

 Steaming hot diamonds!

Steve Norton is a dog!

As it turns out, Rosalba's character was working for the wrong side!

And once you pull a machine gun out on Steve Norton, he loses interest in romance for some reason!

I like the composition of this shot, with a dead guy in a Ford Fairlane juxtaposed with some high end European vehicles to create an extra spicy sauce!

 There's a whole lot of time spent loading the diamonds in and out of secret underwater spots both on land and at sea! That's the way they evade the authorities, and drag the movie out!

 I skipped over the great Luis Dรกvila here as the bad guy Gustav, and also another Italian doll Alida Chelli, but here's two photos of yet another Italian beauty, Diana Lorrys in bed, and in trouble!

Fine then, have it your way, The End!! Did you know there are only 21 letters in the Italian alphabet? They don't use J or K or X,Y, and Z! No wonder their movies are so strano!


  1. That second still of the figure really is nice, wow!

  2. I've never seen this one, but Richard Harrison and Rosalba Neri seem like the perfect team for an Italian suspense film. And I like any given adventure film with a villainess character, so I was glad to find that out.

  3. This isn't exactly a "spoiler" question, but are Harrison and Neri much of a couple in the movie, before that big showdown scene in that middle photo? (I've always liked the spy movie FIREBALL with Harrison and Wandisa Guida, but it doesn't give them any Bond movie type romantic scenes together, which to me is kind of a missed opportunity.)

  4. They get started Grant, and it goes pretty far in a quick amount of time, but that segment (and I'm trusting my memory) only lasts for about 10 or 15 minutes before she shows her true colours!

  5. Thank you, I'm glad to hear that. So often these kinds of movies miss part of the point of a femme fatale character, and that's the get her and the hero together COMPLETELY. Ones like THUNDERBALL get it right! And evidently this one too.
