Saturday, June 6, 2015

"DAS GEHEIMNIS DER GELBEN MÖNCHE - "Target For Killing" (1966)

Welcome back to another Saturday night of chills and thrills in The Dungeon! I have to admit, it's pretty tough to follow an act like "Killer Klowns From Outer Space," but I'm going to give it my best shot!

So without further delay of any sort, here's our feature presentation of  the night...........

"Das Geheimnis Der Gelben Mönche," or as it was released in English, "Target For Killing!!" I have to admit, this is one of the most cheap and ugly title cards I've ever seen, but trust me, it gets nothing but better from here!

Here are the two main characters in "Target For Killing," one of Eegah!!'s all-time favourites, the luscious Karin Dor, and Stewart "I've never done a film I'm proud of" Granger! They don't know it, but they are on a plane bound for Hell!

 Klaus Kinski is in there as the co-pilot with a conscience!

 Why is this stewardess undressing??

Because her and the pilot and co-pilot have just bailed from the plane!

Before I go any further, I've got to tell you that the theme song from "Target For Killing" is one of the rockinest songs we've have a chance to present to you lately, and I really hope you enjoy it!
The musical credits in the film go to Marcello Giombini, and he's probably the only one who could tell us who this band actually is! (As it turns out, no he wasn't! At 6:10 PM on 6-10-15 some cat called Whale Fodder left an awesome comment to let us all know that this song was actually a song called "Cupidation" by Rome group the Bumpers." Thanx, man!) Sounds like a well-produced Hermanos Guzanos riff to me!

"Target For Killing" has everything you look for in a good movie like a monastery full of monks and strippers! (Of course, the strippers are only there because they are hypnotized!)

 One of the finest actors of all time Curd Jürgens, is the head of all the evil action going on, and he's known as THE GIANT!

 Scilla (Mill Of The Stone Women) Gabel is the Tiger! Tiger has two sides; this is her bad side!

 And this is her good side!

This terrific bowling alley shot I expect to be freely shared by all the Tumblr freaks!

 James Lablanche Stewart changed his name to Stewart Granger so as not to be confused with super popular actor of the time, James (It's A Wonderful Life) Stewart!

 Pre-Doom or Call Of Duty, "Target For Killing" is full of first person shooter scenes like this, except in this case, it's a paint spray gun!

 I just happen to adore Karin Dor! She's prefect!

 Klaus Kinski actually gets a chance to try to be a good guy in this film before he gets murdered!

 Karin Dor's character Sandra Perkins is on everybody's hit list! She's about to inherit five million dollars, and a lot of people would like to see her out of the picture! As it turns out, it's actually 70 million dollars which was a pretty nice piece of chump change back in 1966!

 Who's going to be the big winner? What's behind door 13, and should she have taken the bag instead?

 Sandra Perkins is given the key to the office of her new job, down a blind alley, and the key doesn't work, and an out of control garbage truck is headed her direction!

 "Target For Killing" has a truly amazing cast that even includes Adolfo (Thunderball) Celi!

 Personally, I felt that Stewart Granger just might have possibly not been the best choice for the leading man in this film, but on the same token, his campy performance also kind of takes the film to another level of enjoyment! If you're twisted enough, you just might like it as much as Chubby Checker!

Game Over, Man! Literally!
Thanx to all those cool folks over at Sinster Cinema for keeping this kind of crap afloat! Films like this could easily be lost forever without anybody really noticing, and that would really be a shame! They've got a deal now where you can buy 12 weird ass movies of your choice for $98.00 including postage, and that's where I'm headed right now! What a deal!


  1. XLNT tune! Great stuff!
    Karn Dor......yum!

  2. Thanx JW! At least somebody's got good taste around here!

  3. That tune is a garage rock classic: Cupidation by Rome group the Bumpers.

  4. Wow! Thanx Whale Fodder!!! Now that's a comment! I would never have figured that one out! I'll go add it to the post right now!

  5. I can't help liking your nickname for Stewart Granger. Some performers are always picking on things they've been in, and that can get just as annoying as boasting.

    Even though I've never seen this one, I can also guess what you mean about him maybe being miscast. There's a sort of "spy spoof" called JARRETT, with Glenn Ford of all people playing the spy. He handles the comedy side of it very well, of course, but he's still an odd choice. I don't know if you review many TV movies, but it would fit in well here.

  6. Hey Grant! Well supposedly that nickname was an actual Stewart Granger quote, so I guess it's well deserved! I'll add "Jarrett" to our ever growing list of things to do! Thanx for the tip! Sounds perfect!

  7. I vaguely recall seeing Stewart Granger in another Eurospy thriller. It was shown in the US under the title "Red Dragon," and co-starred Rosanna Schiafino. They played secret agents (or undercover cops) chasing drug smugglers in Hong Kong. (I think it may have also been shown under the name "Mission to Hong Kong.") It ended up playing as a second feature at drive-ins.

    Scilla Gabel I remember from "Tarzan's Greatest Adventure," and also from some Italian sword-and-sandal movie that I've mostly forgotten. And of course, Karin Dor was Helga in the Bond movie "You Only Live Twice." I also saw her in "The Torture Chamber of Dr. Sadism," with Christopher Lee and Lex Barker. IIRC, she was in "Assignment Terror" with Michael Rennie, and also some of those sauerkraut Westerns with Barker and Pierre Brice.

    I always thought Karin got a raw deal as a Bond girl. Her character was basically an imitation of Fiona from "Thunderball," and fans and critics compared her to Luciana Paluzzi instead of judging her performance on its own merits. She's the George Lazenby of spy movie femmes fatales.

  8. Hey, thanx for the comments TC! I saw a survey once somewhere that said 1966 was the best year of all time. I know it was a good one for us for various reasons! We always like more info, so chime in any time you want to!
