Monday, February 23, 2015

HOUSE OF FRANKENSTEIN / Universal Pictures - 1944

It's Monster Monday at The Dungeon, here's a classic Universal flick with a ton of stars. The story goes like this... After escaping from an asylum, the mad Dr. Niemann (Karloff) and his Hunchback Assistant (Naish) revive Count Dracula (Carradine), the Wolf Man (Chaney) and the Frankenstein Monster (Strange) in order to exact revenge on their enemies.

Here's a nice little sound clip from this monster filled flick, sooooo, you can push the big red 'GO' button located there by our monster lounge, NOW, Ralphie The Tarantula!.. Here's... HOUSE OF FRANKENSTEIN!

The first thing we see is this travelling road show caught in a storm. Notice the deadly cargo aboard Professor Lampini's Chamber Of Horrors coach.

At the asylum, Dr. Niemann chokes the crap out of the guard in order to get his chalk back! Chalk in hand, Niemann works on Dr. Frankenstein's theories.

After the asylum collapses, Niemann's hunchback helper, Daniel, helps him escape, then, Daniel kills Professor Campini and Niemann assumes his identity.

Niemann shows the authentic bones of Dracula to a spooked audience...

But, after everyone's gone, he pulls the stake from skeleton and guess what?!

The monster collecting doesn't stop there! Next, Niemann and Daniel come across the Frankenstein Monster and The Wolfman frozen stiff in an ice cave!

Daniel doesn't take a liking to big old Frankie, he's just a little intimidating.

Ahhh, love that classic mad lab hardware, the trick is to make the stuff look authentic.

Larry's back, as manic as ever and at odds with Niemann. Then, the full Moon comes out.

Frankie finally gets his big mitts on lil' Daniel and tosses him through the bay window!

A mob of villagers catches up with the monster, causing him and Niemann to flee the scene as the place is burned to the ground.

It's a cold, wet and ironic end for Niemann and the monster that made him famous. We are back on Wednesday with our next pick for your approval... Later Dudes and Dudettes!

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