Saturday, February 14, 2015

CAPTIVE WOMEN - Charles Koff - "1000 Years From Now" (1952)

Howdy Ya'll, and welcome to the Saturday Night Valentines Day 2015 version of The Dungeon, and tonight's extraordinarily special feature film.....a movie about true love.....

Tonight's ridiculously hard to find film should not be confused with any of these movies, from 1943, "Captive Wild Woman," or "Hercules And The Captive Women" from 1961, and for damn sure not the Nazi sexplotation flick from 1977, "Captive Women 4!"

"Captive Women" is set in the year 3000 in New York City! After the nuclear holocaust, society became divided into three separate communities, the Norms and the Upriver peeps, and folks like this guy, the Mutant Mutates, and naturally, none of them get along!

The norms still know how to hang out and be cool!

This guy is from the Upriver Norms community, but he looks like a mutant in this shot! By his side is Norm Gal Ruth as played by The Flying Nun Sally Field's Mother, Margaret Field! Margaret was also in "The Man From Planet X," and she was Emma Senescu in the "Twilight Zone" episode titled "The New Exhibit!" If her name doesn't sound that familiar, it might be because in the "Twilight Zone" show and in many of her other appearances, Margaret was billed as Maggie Mahoney!

There's a big wedding going down between Dungeon Hall of Famer Robert (THE MAN FROM PLANET X, THE ASTOUNDING SHE-MONSTER, THE HIDEOUS SUN DEMON) Clarke as Robert, and the out of this world Gloria (ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN, SPACE PATROL) Saunders as the amazing two-faced witch bitch Catherine!

The music in the sound clip from this festive wedding celebration was created by Charles Koff who composed the music for two of the other Robert Clarke features, "The Man From Planet X," and "Sword Of Venus!" Charles also wrote the theme song for the "Topper" TV series

The Norms opened their hearts and their gates up in a show of good will, and let a small faction of the Upriver people unarmed to the big party, but the dirty bastards rode in on a Trojan Horse, and when the opportunity arrived, they attacked and killed the Norm elders, and anybody else they could get their greasy hands on!

I apologize for the quality of the stills from this movie, but this was the best copy I could get my hands on! Consequently, I don't exactly remember what was going in here, but this is a pretty weird shot nevertheless!

One of the most recognizable faces in Hollywood history (But you probably don't know his name) with a mere 369 acting credits to his name, here's yet another Dungeon Hall of Famer, William Schallert as the Mutate rebel-rouser Carver! Here's just a couple of pages out of William's immense catalog: M, THE MAN FROM PLANET X, THE GIRLS OF PLEASURE ISLAND, RIOT IN CELL BLOCK 11, PORT SINISTER, GOG, THEM!, TOBAR THE GREAT, THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING MAN, THE MONOLITH MONSTERS, and I'll just cap it off with his appearance in the"Twilight Zone" episode "Policeman!" William's going to be like 93 on July 6 of this year!  He was an ass in this movie, but he was a champion in real life!!

Gloria Saunders is so wicked in this film! She plays up to whichever man is in power, and switches her allegiance at the bat of one of her beautiful eyes!  Gloria's birthday is the day after mine, and she passed away in Bakersfield in 1980 at what we would consider the young age of 52, and we never even knew it! Sometimes life just ain't that fair!

Meanwhile Margaret is doing her stint in the Go-Go cage! (The reason Ruth is incarcerated is because her and Catherine got into a big ole catfight!!)

Ron (The Girl In Black Stockings) Randell is Gordon the Mutate that matters! The sentiment that backfires in his face is "Can't we just all get along?" Stuart Randall is also in there somewhere and was in all these 1950's gay porno movies: RUSTLERS ON HORSEBACK, ROUGH RIDERS OF DURANGO, INSIDE THE WALLS OF FOLSOM PRISON, FIXED BAYONETS, MEXICAN MANHUNT, and MAN WITH THE STEEL WHIP!

I'm sure this matte painting of the New York City skyline looked cool, but this is the best I could come up with these days! At least you can vaguely get the idea!

Catherine is used one last time as bait, but with fake whiplashes this time! "Oh, please help me kind sirs," or some bullshit like that! She's gone way beyond crying wolf! Nobody's falling for her crap any more, and she's about to pay for her infidelity!

And the walls came crumbling down! Run like Hell before the whole river comes crashing in on your future primitive skulls!

This film is called "Captive Women" because whenever they get the opportunity, the Mutate's capture Norm women in an attempt to birth future generations of normal children! The happy ending to this sad tale is that Ruth is the first Norm woman to voluntarily try to be part of the equation, and isn't that what you would expect from Sally Fields' Mom? One other thing you can know for sure, and that is Eegah!! and Tabonga! love you!


  1. A very interesting movie for 1952!

  2. William Schallert is probably best known for playing Patty Duke's father on her TV sitcom in the sixties. He also played the hero's assistant in some episodes of "Commando Cody" in 1953.

  3. And that's Ron Randell, not Stuart Randall, as Gordon. :)

  4. Although I've seen them make plenty of mistakes, I was just following what IMDB said and that was Stuart Randall as Gordon and Ron Randell as Riddon. You probably wouldn't understand, but sometimes you can't tell a Randall from a Randell, Randall!
