Friday, December 12, 2014

ZARDOZ / John Boorman Productions - 1974

It's Weirdsville Friday here at The Dungeon, we gots a movie written and directed by John Boorman and stars Sean 'Bond' Connery. Boorman also directed HAVING A WILD WEEKEND, POINT BLANK, DELIVERANCE, EXORCIST II: THE HERETIC, EXCALIBUR and THE EMERALD FOREST.

This goofy looking dude claims to be the almighty Zardoz, I'll let you judge for yourself...

Eegah!! sent over a sound clip from this flick for our approval, sooooo, you can push the big red 'GO' button over by our atomic guns, NOW, Rufus The Gnat!.. Here's a little taste of... ZARDOZ!

The story's about two groups of people in the distant future, one barbaric, one highly civilized. These, obviously, are the uncivilized ones, here with their big old head master, Zardoz!

And, here's Zed with his pistol, ready to kill, because, guns are good, the penis is evil, ya'll!

Zed inspects the interior of Zardoz, it rises from the ground and flies a great distance away.

Zed is let out of Zardoz on an English countryside where he encounters strange buildings and a topless girl riding her white horsie!

In the room of memories, the leaders, all women, watch as Zed's past is revealed...

Zed becomes this guy's companion and it's quite a humiliating experience for him.

The Zardoz gang mounts an attack on the civilized ones and go on yet another killing spree! This part was sanctioned by the Red States NRA.

Zed learns to be sympathetic while living with all the dysfunctional people in his life now and submits to being just a mere mortal human animal...

Jeez, looking at this, I'm really glad I'm a guy! No offense to all the great gals out there.

We'll end with probably my favorite part of the movie, this time lapse segment of Zed, Consuella and their son as they age through the happy years of their loving union.

We're back tomorrow with more from the Dungeon Gang, be there or else!..


  1. Saw this one in my youth...
    sorry to say we did Not like it.... Great post though....
    .. Sorry just a bit "down" today Guys... . A great Weekend to you both.... Stacey / "the Doctor"...

  2. Doc T - Yeah, the story is somewhat whack - Sorry to hear about your day.. Thanks for checking in -

  3. May day can always be worse... and have had Much Worse... so we will manage....
    Thank you for your kind words...

  4. I don't know it well, but I remember it in a lopsided way for the scene in the 20th Century library. It lets the Zed character in on one of the big secrets of the story, and it also has a pretty clever literary tie-in.
