Friday, July 25, 2014

UGETSU MONOGATARI / Daiei Studios - 1953

It's Friday at The Dungeon with Tabonga!.. We gots a complicated little tale from Japan from 1953, it's all about Genjurô, a family man, farmer and craftsman who travels the countryside selling his wares and makes a small fortune during the Japanese Civil Wars of the sixteenth century. Their village is attacked and looted, so, the families flee and survive, Genjurô decides to leave his wife and son on the bank of the river, promising to return in ten days, adventures ensue. This movie has a ton of titles!

Eegah!! sent over a sound clip with classic Japanese music for our earjoyment, sooooo, you can push the big red 'GO' button next to the atomic powered samurai sword, NOW, Rufus The Gnat! Here's a taste of... UGETSU MONOGATARI!

Here's Genjurô working pottery in his studio, making his items to sell, and, before the trouble.

After Genjurô gets separated from his wife and son and has to do whatever it takes to avoid the attackers as he flees their onslaught.

He sneaks up and hides under a house where he watches a samurai behead the owner!

If it isn't the samurais, he's being confronted by locals as he tries to make his way back home.

Finally, he gets back and greets his wife, who has been worried sick waiting for his return.

I just really dig this shot of this abode, that's all... Hey, make a story up if you like!

Genjurô's brother is killed during the siege, so, Genjurô vows to live his life in his honor.

Peace has returned, Genjurô, his wife and son continue to be productive in their beautiful setting... What's really great about this flick are all the amazing visual textures shown throughout the production! Tune in tomorrow when Virus Man will bring you a weird one, don't miss it, GOT IT?!!

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