Wednesday, June 18, 2014

BERLINO - APPUNTAMENTO PER LE SPIE - Riz Ortolani - "Spy In Your Eye" (1965)

Who needs Sevens when you've got a "Spy In Your Eye," and Secret Agent Z.3?

The title is of this mindbender of a movie is "Berlino Appuntamento Per Le Spie!" It's been released as the literally translated "Berlin, Appointment For Spies," and also as "Bang You're Dead," Cult Of Violence," "Epitaph For A Spy," and the most well known title, "Spy In Your Eye!" They tried every possible angle!

Brett Halsey is Secret Agent Bert Morris this time! "Spy In Your Eye" is the movie Brett made right before playing 077 in "Espionage In Lisbon!"

Dana (Curse Of The Demon, Hot Rods To Hell) Andrews is Colonel Lancaster aka Secret Agent Z.3! The fact that he only has one eye is what keeps him from being Secret Agent A.1.

They just came out with a new video eyeball invention and the Colonel is going for it! Hold still, this won't hurt at all!!

But what the Colonel and the rest of the free world don't know is that this eyeball is also a video camera and transmitter, and nothing the Colonel ever sees again is going to be secret!

The guys monitoring the whole thing are comfortably inside the tank of this red truck!

This hunchback character is Bert's contact and his fake hump is also a secret radio transmitter!

Tania (Miss Shumway Goes West, Run Psycho Run) BĂ©ryl as Madeline, and Gasone (Mr. Superinvisible) Moschin as Boris are out to give the Americans a hard time in more ways than one!

They were celebrating something krazy during the the making of this film, and the guys in charge decided to take full advantage of the party atmosphere! Here's just a small sample of the music that was created by Maestro Riz Ortolani for "Spy In Your Eye!" Riz also won an Academy Award in 1964 for the beautiful theme song in a weird and oft bizarre documentary titled "Mondo Cane!" Riz just passed away this last January at the age of 87! With 226 composing credits to his name, I can guarantee you, they don't make 'em like Riz any more!

If that camera looks awfully suspicious, it's because it's actually a gun, and this guy is targeting a guy inside one of the floats! What he doesn't know is that they have played the olde switcheroo on him, and it's one of his buddies inside! That's one way to end a friendship!

The video is almost believable, but the amazing thing is that the peepers also get all the sound from the scene too! I would imagine that if there's a microphone inside your eyeball, and suddenly there's feedback, Whoa, Excedrin Headache # 13!!

"Spy In Your Eye" is full of cute tricks like this stabbing Napoleon wax figure! The right hand is down and behind a little, so if you reach into his left pocket, it triggers his arm to quickly swing around and stab you in the stomach!

More cuteness, the two kidnapped victims are stashed in the advertising toothpaste tubes on top of this van! That's the kind of movie this is!

And last but not least, where does the Professor hide the secret formula that's everyone's literally dieing to get their hands on? Right smack dab in the middle of the scalp of his lovely daughter! So that's it, if you wanna know more, then head on over to Cult Action cause that's the only place to find a copy, as far as I know!

1 comment:

  1. What a great looking print! And, love that lime-green and lavender color combo.
