Friday, January 31, 2014

EL CHARRO DE LAS CALAVERAS / Derechos Reservados Televisa - 1965

It's time for another trip to Mexico with Tabonga, here at The Dungeon!.. We gots a wild 'n' weird flick for sure, with a closet full of classic monsters, Mexican style! American title is RIDER OF THE SKULLS.

Eegah!! sent over a lil' soundclip of the cool theme tune for your earjoyment, sooooo, you can push the big red 'GO' button there by the talking head, NOW, Rufus The Gnat! Here's an earfull of... EL CHARRO DE LAS CALAVERAS!

Dagoberto Rodríguez is the Rider of the Skulls, a cool looking dude there to fight, what else... MONSTERS!!

Let's see, first, there's the old hag witch causing trouble in the country setting.

She brings this messed up corpse to life to confound the Rider with a twisted tale of horror!

There's the dime store werewolf who terrorizes everyone including his own family!

The werewolf was just chewing on a dude's neck, and, it's a little past noon... SIESTA TIME!!

This vampire dude can turn into a white bat, fly and can mess with people during the day, so, gets a well deserved wooden spear in the back!!

Then, there's this monster head in a box that commands this woman to do his evil bidding... Mexican monsters are whack, but, in all the right ways!

The head is buried by a friend but later ends up back in the woman's bed with her!!

The headless horseman shows up, looking for his head.

Great shot of our hero as he fires at the horseback fiend!

And, let's not forget about the skeleton dudes! This movie was edited down from a TV serial. Tune in Saturday to see what little surprise Eegah!! has in store for us...


  1. It looked like Beverly Garland holding that box!

  2. No kidding, it really does!

  3. My local Spanish stations used to run so many of these films, and they're all pretty enjoyable (the language barrier ends up being a much smaller problem than you might think). Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems a lot harder to come across them lately (you'd think that the horror films with the "masked wrestler" characters would be an exception, since they're still such pop culture icons).

    Did this one ever have one of those famous / infamous K. Gordon Murray dubbed versions?

  4. Grant - This one never made it into the K. Gordon Murray library, you can get this DVD on Amazon, double featured with EL ASESINO ENMASCARADO for $4.50 new!
