Saturday, July 20, 2013


"Captain Celluloid Vs.The Film Pirates" was a fan based silent movie in the style of the good old fashion serials! It was made in 1966 and is a film that's all about questions, and more questions, like Why? Why did they do it?

The movie's intentions are honorable no doubt, but question number one, is that enough?

There is no doubt in my mind that the Firesign Theater's 1979 film titled "J-Men Forever" was totally inspired by this low budget film!

Pre-video, pre-internet, here's the inspired plot in a krazy nutshell!!

Basically nobody in this film ever acted again, including Robert Clayton here as Larry (The Man Of) Steele! He was also the writer and producer of this film!

Two classic names in one person, Doris and Dale, but Chip and Dale ended up with a lot more fame and fortune!

Born in Oakland, and died in New York, Alan played himself in a 1974 documentary called Busby Berkeley!

This was Barney's only acting gig, but his son, Vic Noto has had, and continues to have, a decent career as tough guy actor! If we ever remake this movie, we'll get Mark Del Rio for this role!

Was this John Cullen's sole acting credit? That would be correct! You get three points!

After her debut here as Satanya, Jean Barbour went on to do, well.............nothing!!

Al Kilgore also worked in the art department of the 1985 documentary, "Document Of The Dead!" His last name was subsequently arrested for making death threats on ex Vice President Al Gore!

Did Grant Willis ever work again? Yes, as an audience member in the movie "Love Story," and as production manager for a film called "Submission!"

William K. Everson actually ended up banging around for a few years as film advisor and consultant before biting the big one in 1996!

The identity of The Master Duper remains a mystery to this day! Is it possible that he was actually a big name talent incognito? Possible but doubtful!!!

Last but not least, Robert Steele did double duty as Robert Clayton and the mysterious masked man Captain Celluloid! One last question, do I have a near mint, only played almost once DVD of this movie for sale for $6.00 including postage in the United States? The answer is an overwhelming YES!!!!


  1. I'm afraid I only know one of William K. Everson's books, but it's a very good one, his W. C. Fields book.

  2. I'd love to see this...! you have it for sale, you say?

  3. Sure do Derek! Post a comment with your email address, I won't post it, but I will get in touch with you and we'll seal the deal as stated!

    I STILL have an original 16mm Print of this Classic,way ahead of it's time film. Thanks for putting this up and the nice words about me. Up until a few years ago,I NEVER saw the movie until a Chicago Film professor who actually Teaches the film,sent me a DVD of it. I was thrilled yet saddened.

  5. Hey Vic, We just do this for fun, and it's always fun to write about somebody, and then have them comment on it, so thanks! Hope your life is rockin'!

    Thanks Eegahll and Tabongal.
    As far as my "Computer Skills" go,I stand a better chance as a one legged man in an Ass-Kicking Contest,than knowing HOW to actually make a comment WITHOUT going "Anonymous" then placing my name somewhere. Take a look at Youtube:Vic Noto you may get a kick out of some of my clips.
    Thanks...VIC NOTO....

  7. VIC,
    Good stuff! While our focus is mostly on older movies, we do take an occasional excursion into the 80's, so we'll have to do one of your movies one of these days!

  8. Not true that "This was BARNEY NOTO'S only acting job,just because THIS generation is mentally controlled by Computer research,ie:IMDB etc. BARNEY NOTO did TONS of Commercials and theater,and worked with JACK WEBB playing a District Attorney,etc etc etc.
