Saturday, April 27, 2013

MR. X - Manuel Parada - "aka Avenger X" (1967)

"Mr-X" is a movie I have wanted to see ever since I started this blog, and this is one of my favourite posters, so tonight it is finally my pleasure to present it to you, but before we get the show rolling, just let me say, it wouldn't have been possible without the help of our pal Brian Horrorwitz over at The Trash Palace!! Brian's got one of the finest assortments of garbage on the planet, but don't take my word for it, go check it out for yourself!

"Mr X" was also released as "Avenger X!" Personally I prefer the title "Mr. X!" Is it the greatest film in the world, not exactly, but was it worth the wait, Hell Yes!! The fine music throughout "Mr. X" was created by Manuel Parada, a Spanish composer of "Satanik" and "Fistful Of Knuckles" fame!

"Mr. X" is a hybrid mix of comic books and spy flix!

Armando Pascual Calvo Lespier aka Armando Calvo is the ever so evil George Lamarr, and he's great at what he does, being bad!

Lamarr's fiancée has just informed him that she knows what's going on and she wants her fair cut, so he sends her out on a mission as a courier!

This is where her body shows up! It doesn't matter who you are, you don't try and doublecross Lamarr! He's just a little too ruthless to put up with that kind of crap! And on top of all that, he sets it up to blame Mr. X as the killer. That's where he makes his first big mistake!!!

Mr X. can do it all, and he's also a master of disguise! Here he poses as the mortician right in front of the inspector who is looking for him!

Dapper Mr. X is played by Pier Paolo Capponi or as he was billed for this role, Norman Clark. Mr. X is not only suave and a smart dresser, he's also a professional golfer who has won a number of world wide tournaments!

Just like Batman has Robin, Mr. X has Timy, who is a Helluva lot better looking than Burt Ward! Timy is played by the drop dead gorgeous Gaia Germani! Not only beautiful, Timy can also kick your ass!

I just like this shot of  Mr. X and Timy, some of the beautiful people of the world in 1967,  no doubt!

Mr. X and Timy don't just eat sushi, they have it served in their home the proper way!

Mr. X also has all kinds of cool devices at his disposal, like this gun that shoots cigarette looking objects into a wall so he can climb up and look in an upper story window to find out more information about Lamarr's six million dollar plans!

The cops are subjected to an exercise in futility when they try and chase Mr. X! "Hey fools I'm over here!"

To elude his pursuers, Mr. X quickly changes clothes and takes on the persona of an American tourist from Texas!

Mr. X sets up another trap..........

...............and this idiot falls for it hook, line and sinker!

Lamarr is doublecrossed by his right hand man, and after the guy pleads for his life, Lamarr tells him he can go, and then he shoots him in the back! Nice guy!!

At this point it's not even about doublecross anymore, but more like quadruplecross or maybe even quintupletcross, as Mr. X delivers the final slap in the face to tough guy Lamarr, who just like everybody else is just nothing more than a big pussy when the final cards are dealt!!

A fitting ending, X marks the spot where after being tied to the front of a boat, Lamarr's head runs straight into a bunch of rocks in a fiery explosion, and Mr. X and Timy live happily ever after with their share of the six mill!

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