Friday, March 8, 2013

GARIBA NO UCHO RYOKO - "Gulliver's Travels Beyond The Moon" - Toei Studios (1965)

So I just got the call from Tabonga that his electricity went out and because of that his computer took a big dump! He wanted me to just put up a picture of a sandwich with a bite taken out of it, and a sign that said "Out To Lunch," but I decided to go another route!

So while Tabonga drowns in a morass of despair..........Let's blast off to Fantastic Fun Friday! 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1!!!

I'm going to treat you to some random stills from a movie that I've been putting off for a long time now, "Gulliver's Travels Beyond The Moon,"  and that's the way that it goes!

"Gulliver's Travels Beyond The Moon" was a Toei Studios production made in 1965!

The music for the English version, and there's lots of it, was written by Milton and Anne Delugg!

                                                                 This movie is  arty!

                                                               And it's very spacey!!

The art direction was by SaburĂ´ Yokoi of "Pyun Pyun Maru", "Mako The Mermaid," and "Chappie The Witch" fame!

The most fascinating part of the whole film for me was that the voice of  The Princess was that of Darla Hood of  "The Little Rascals!"

Let's just hope Tabonga gets his computer back up and running by Monday, I'll be back tomorrow with something a little more down to earth!!


  1. I remember several of these low budget cartoons played on Saturday afternoon at my local theater. Another one was "Pinocchio in Space."
    Oddly enough, IMDB does not even list this gem.

  2. I remember several of these low budget cartoons played on Saturday afternoon at my local theater. Another one was "Pinocchio in Space."
    Oddly enough, IMDB does not even list this gem.

    Actually Lacey they do...

    You were just one word off! Here's one for Gulliver's Travels which apparently links to some online version to purchase from Amazon but I would rather people didn't go there since I'm sure it's the same PD version we've all seen before.

    I once told someone I felt both this film and "Pinocchio in Outer Space" played off each other well if you had them in a double-feature together. Aside from being foreign productions (though Pinocchio was a US-Belgian co-production), both take famous literary figures and transpose them into space travel adventures. The 1960's was a great time to explore such an idea as that.

    Aside from the audio to the song "That's the way that it goes" used in this blog entry, a full LP of the songs heard in the English version of the film was released around that time as well, I have that in my collection and love to listen to it! THINK TALL!
