Monday, July 25, 2011

ATACAN LAS BRUJAS / Filmica Vergara Comisiones - 1968

Welcome to Monster Monday with Tabonga, here at The Dungeon!.. Our feature is one of the last Santo flicks shot in black & white, this time he spends most of his time attacking the witches from across town...

Here's a very cool Mexican lobby card with an image of a devil stolen from an old Weird Tales pulp cover, I believe.

Eegah!! has given us a very surrealistic soundclip for this one, thanx! The music was composed by Jorge Pérez, he had 77 composing credits that include these titles... HIGHWAY OF CATS, THE MUSEUM OF CRIME, THE CURSE OF NOSTRAMADUS, THE HELL OF FRANKENSTEIN, THE BLOOD OF NOSTRADAMUS, BLUE DEMON vs THE SATANIC POWER, THE BRAINIAC and HELLISH SPIDERS!

Letz bring in our little fuzzy Dungeon helper and button pusher, Ralphie The Tarantula!.. He's here for one reason, so, push the big red 'GO' button now Ralphie! Here's.. ATACAN LAS BRUJAS!

Like I said, across town, a bunch of witches live in an old mansion, and they're ready for some action!!

The big boss drops in from time to time just to say hey...

The story centers around Ofelia, a friend of Santo. The witches want her to join their coven and she's having disturbing dreams and visions about it.

Santo decides to pay a visit to the Witch House and see if he can find out anything. He drives a Porsche in this one, it'd be hard to imagine a super-hero driving around in like a Nash Rambler, or a Studebaker with a propeller!

Santo's spider sense tells him that there's something fishy going on around here!..

And, it was right!! Dude's a Pisces!

In about 3 seconds, Santo pulls a 3 Stooges routine where he slams the guys together, faces first!.. n'yuk, n'yuk

He makes his body into a cross and it repels the henchmen!

Santo gets mesmerized and side tracked by one of his female opponents!

You can make whatever you want out of these 2 photos, is it hot in here?..

Whenever Santo goes to the Witch House, he always has to climb up a wall to get inside! That's Santo's pal's '46 Chevy.

Did you ever notice that Santo never fights just one henchman at a time!

Back at the ranch, it's time to pound on our hero!.. But, Santo is able to grab a torch and he makes them run like little schoolgirls!

The legend went, Santo never even lost one match in the ring!!

Like I always say, if you do something bad to Santo, you're going to get something back even worse!

Viva el Santo!!.. Another packed house going bananas for their wrestling idol!

Is it raining witches, or what?!

Poor sap, caught in his own trap, so crap, might as well take a nap!..

The main witch is played by the beautiful Lorena Velázquez, who was in everything! She even sang in SHIP OF THE MONSTERS!

Man, I love this still!! Without these two guys here, Fernando Osés and Crox Alvarado, well, Mexican monster movies would have suffered for it. For one thing, these muscle bound actors did their own stunts!! Fernando played the dude with the spider arm in HELLISH SPIDERS and Crox played Silver Angel in the AZTEC MUMMY series!

Santo brings out his giant cross and all Hell breaks loose!

Goodnight, Sweet Wench!..


  1. "In real life, Santo never even lost one match!!"

    Actuallt that's not so. If you follow the for-real animosity that existed between Blue Demon and Santo, Blue always boasted that while Santo may have come out on top in the movies, Blue beat Santo in all of their arena matches.

  2. This is the exact plot of "Santo contra las Mujeres Vampiros", with the Vampire Women changed into witches. When in doubt - recycle.

  3. The Weird Tales demon, identified: That cool guy was created by the fantastic Reynold Brown for William Castle's THE NIGHT WALKER (1964)!
