Monday, January 10, 2011

THE MONKEY KING / Shanghai Animation Film Studio - 1965

Welcome everbloody, to Mondo Monday, here at The Dungeon! Our feature tonight is a rare animated film from China about the anarchic Monkey King, Sun Wukong, he spends his days playfully directing millions of monkey children in martial arts training and bouncing around the beautiful Waterfall Forest they inhabit. After being deceptively lured into heaven by the Jade Emperor, the Monkey King then begins dismantling the Emperor's Confucian hierarchies. Using his spontaneous and creative magic, the Monkey King constantly undermines the Jade Emperor and his minions, then he returns to Earth to continue teaching the monkey children how to courageously fight their enemies!

The classic music is by Mr. Ying-Chu Wu, who had a total of 3 composing credits between 1965-87.

Okay then, let's bring in our little Dungeon Helper and pal, Rufus The Gnat. Hey, Rufus got a 3rd place ribbon in a coconut-creme pie eating contest yesterday! Anywho, it's time for him to push the big red 'GO' button over there and start our Eariffic Earclip, so, here's... THE MONKEY KING!

Our hero, Sun Wukong, Monkey King!

Sun is tricked into going to heaven. Dragon Ball has some interesting similarities!

Even getting to heaven is fraught with adventures!

This is Tabonga's favorite opponent of the Monkey King's! He's just plain cool!!

A real adventure wouldn't be complete without an encounter with some beautiful, mystical women, now, would it?

The awesome artwork never quits!

There's even time for some alcohol consumption. The Jade Emperor thinks by getting Sun drunk, he can dispose of him easier, but, it doesn't work.

He finally reaches the Jade Emperor's palace.

He has to go up against a giant stringed instrument that vibrates out lethal sound waves!

Then, he defeats the giant snake!

Monkey King makes it through every situation dealt to him by the Jade Emperor!

Yin and yang play an important part as to why the Monkey King always comes out on top!

Now, where was I before the adventure started?!.. Oh, yeah!!

Let's all give a thank you to Prof. Grewbeard for sending us this great movie to review!

Ghoulnight Everbloody!..


  1. i like how you let the screen grabs work their magic on the unsuspecting reader...propaganda was never so beautiful!

  2. Whooooo ... this is too culturally out there, and would never go as far as ALAKAZAM THE GREAT.
