In Issue #20 of "SCREEM Magazine", there was an interesting article about matriarchal societies written by David Wilt called "Women Rule, Men Drool," and it featured some of our favorite films like "Cat-Women Of The Moon," "Queen Of Outer Space," and "Missile To The Moon," and among the other films mentioned was one I wasn't really familiar with, but was found to be readily available via Netflix, the 1944 UK musical comedy production "Bees In Paradise." It's a fantasy film about a society governed by women and yet, it stars a guy, go figure!!
"Bees In Paradise" was written and directed by Mr. Valmond Guest, who directed the major classic films "The Quatermass Xperiment" in 1955, and "Quatermass II: Enemy from Space" in 1957! He also co-wrote the music for "Bees In Paradise!" It's no wonder he also wrote a movie in 1960, called "Life Is A Circus!" I guess so!! Val lived to be 94 years old!!!
There are lots of songs, and the music and lyrics were written by Manning Sherwin & Val Guest, with help from Musical Director Louis Levy, and Special Orchestrations by Bob Busby to flesh out the whole thing! None of them are slackers!
Tote that barge, lift that bale, there's still lots of hard work to be done in this woman run world, they just get to dress sexier!! The singing Queen Bee was Anne Shelton as Rouana! Anne was good enough to have her own TV show from 1958 to 1959!
That's a whole lot of estrogen in one room!!
The Bee girls have got some terrific costumes, and all of the song and dance numbers will keep your interest if you have any buzz left at all!
The girls are on the lookout, just in case anybody comes near their island paradise!
There's a plane flying by, and they are having problems, so these fellows are going to have to jump!!
WhooHoo, the girls spotted them, and send out the signal on the old tribal drum! MEN!!!! It's MEN!!!
Yessireebob, one of them dudes in that plane was none other than that suave heart throbber, Arthur Askey, as Arthur Tucker! Arthur started his professional career as, what else would you expect, a music hall musician in 1924, and was only 5 foot and 2 inches tall!
Well, I'll be damned, I was just searching around gathering up some info on this film, and what do I just discover right now, even though I've been there a 100 times before, "Bees In Paradise" streams for free over at The Internet Archive so now there's no excuse for not watching this flick? What a world!! Amazing!!
Just to give you some idea of the rules, watch out if she sends you a chair!!
Arthur has an encounter with The Crocodile Charmer played by the oh so mysterious Koringa in her only film role!
The three main song and dance numbers are "I'm A Wolf On My Mother's Side," "Don't Ever Leave Me," and "Keep A Sunbeam In Your Pocket!"
Of course Arthur has to do some good natured cross dressing!
Arthur has to spend some time in the pokey! If for no other reason, the Bee sets, like this jail, are worth taking the time to watch this film!
At least Arthur and his cohorts are able to escape from the island with their dignity intact!!
"Paradise Island"? Someone was reading Wonder Woman.
ReplyDeletenever seen this but Arthur Askey was great in "Ghost Train" so...